Trolls R Us redux [Now the argument clinic]

Excellent reference, thank you (and to @Heffalump_and_Roo for providing the cite).

The poster under discussion here (@cincinnatus) seems to be in search of a discussion forum that promotes conservative values but is not insane. This would have been a perfectly reasonable thing to ask for a few decades ago, but as long as Republicans are now the presumed standard-bearers of “conservative values”, any such discussion is by definition going to be insanity vs. reality: Trump, Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Green, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Mitch McConnell, and dozens of others of their ilk who would be more at home in a lunatic asylum instead of the US Congress, versus what remains of fact-grounded sanity in American politics.

So the discussion forum that this poster fantasizes about is not going to exist. It might exist in a purely academic discussion of conservative vs liberal principles in general, but not in any discussion of contemporary American politics.