My Original True/False Testwas left unsolved on the ATMB forum, so I thought I’d see if I’d have better luck in the Game Room.
How is your knowledge of trivia? Better than mine, probably. But no matter.
Answer each question below either True or False, paying scant attention to whether the numbered statement is actually fact or fiction. That’s not really the important thing.
True or False:
_1. The average weight of an unopened carton of new sale flyers at Wegmans stores is 55 pounds.
_2. A good oracle can foretell the future better than a bad one.
_3. Vincent van Gogh always regretted painting a self portrait and eventually tried to destroy every one he made.
_4. The rutabega is the world’s oldest cultivated root vegetable.
_5. Poland’s Official National Root Vegetable is the turnip.
_6. Bottles of ale sent to the United States from Belgium tend to rate higher in quality than those imported here from England, according to Beer Journal.
_7. “The Oilskin Brigade” was a covert umbrella-wielding Macintosh-wearing team of elite CIA assassins who would only kill during driving rainstorms.
_8. One natural way to control an infestation of fleas is to sprinkle ground mint leaves on your pet’s bedding.
_9. Fourteen first ladies have owned cats.
_10. A blue flask will help keep and preserve rum better than a red or silver one.
_11. The entire Turkish Embassy in Washington DC consists of only two rooms and a bathroom.
_12. According to a widely quoted article in the first issue of Life, Las Vegas was the best city in 1936 in which to live in the United States.