The title says it all. I don’t think I have any coherent thoughts at the moment so I am hoping someone else can supply them.
What is a sane path going forward for the Democratic Party, the United States and the world?
The title says it all. I don’t think I have any coherent thoughts at the moment so I am hoping someone else can supply them.
What is a sane path going forward for the Democratic Party, the United States and the world?
The sane path is to wait for the polls to close on the West Coast and watch as Trump gets plowed under.
It’s not about the West Coast. It’s about Wisconsin, Michican, NH, PA and Nevada. Hillary needs to win every single one of them and it’s not looking likely. I hope I am completely wrong but at this moment it looks like Trump will be the next President of the US.
I am a Never-Trumper myself but that type of denial isn’t going to do you or anyone else any favors. There is still a chance that he won’t win but it is likely that he will.
The question was what are you going to do if that happens?
“Après moi, le déluge”
I have no idea. Holy crap. Wow.
I just hope he doesn’t crash the economy or start a war.
Sam Wang at the PEC said if Trump gets more than 240 EVs he would eat a bug. We will see.
My faith in polling predictions is gone. 538 got a lot of things wrong in the primary, so I lost faith in them. But I still believed PEC, but not now. It is like we are back in the dark ages pre 2008, where we can’t really predict election outcomes ahead of time.
We’re all fucked, that’s what. I predict an immediate recession, followed by a depression that makes the 30s look like boom times.
Berlusconi is the closest presidency I can think of to compare to a Trump presidency.
So, if things move similarly, you will have a bunch of bombastic promises that will ultimately fail, and some entertaining gaffes for the next 4 to 8 years. No apocalyptic disasters.
Hope the giant meteor hit the earth before Trump is president !
Insanity reigns.
We’ve elected Hitler2. There is no sugar coating it.
Not only a President Trump, but also a Republican Senate and a Republican House. There is no sane path for the US to move forward.
I don’t think I’ll be the only civil servant who will be resigning. Though not before I secure a new job somewhere else (which may not be easy, but I’m going to try).
Pretty bad economic times coming, that’s for sure.
That’s the best case. God help us all, but the USA especially. This is Hollywood disaster movie bad.
I’m genuinely scared.
We are planning to move to Canada. Not just saying, but seriously. I don’t think Canada will be safe forever but will be for a while, I hope. There is probably no place that will be safe, soon.
The US will be a fascist state, with the largest arsenal the world has ever seen. What do you imagine is going to happen?
I believe the Great American Experiment has run its course, and there is nothing left to do but run for cover like rats.
I do not recognize anything about this place anymore. I’m sorry I lived to see this day. This is the worst thing that has happened to this country since the Civil War. It could be worse than the Civil War, because we survived that.
I am shitting bricks.
someone asked me a few hours ago … is it bad to hope for the first assassination (or two) since kennedy ?
If Congress can keep him in check on the war front, I don’t think it’ll be so bad. Domestically, the president can’t do much without Congress, and the Dems can keep things in check in the Senate. He won’t be able to enforce any of the policies he’s been crowing about.
Dark times, people. Dark times. I wonder what will happen when Trump finds out his kids can’t run his empire while he’s President.