TV show lines that have stuck with you for a very long time.

Can’t believe no one has mentioned these.

Jayne: ‘You know what the chain of command is? It’s the chain I beat you with until you know who’s in ruttin’ command’.

Kaylee: ‘Yes sir, Cap’n Tight-pants’

Simon: I’m very sorry if she tipped off anyone about your cunningly concealed herd of cows

Zoe: You sanguine about the kind of reception we’re apt to receive on an Alliance ship, Cap’n?
Mal: Absolutely. [pauses] What’s “sanguine” mean?
Zoe: “Sanguine”. Hopeful. Plus, point of interest: it also means “bloody”.
Mal: Well, that pretty much covers all the options, don’t it?

Mal: Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly comin’ to a middle.
And of course my favorite:
Mal: Well, look at this! Appears we got here just in the nick of time. What does that make us?
Zoe: Big damn heroes, sir.

“I’ll be in mah bunk.”

There was a show on during the 90s called Raven, which was about some retired super-spy guy who did good deed in Hawaii or something. His partner was the bionic man. Anyhow, the only line worth remembering from that series was when the Raven had someone over a barrel to get what he wanted, either by beating them or torturing them or just taking what he wanted with some flashy martial arts. Then he’d say “See how easy life can be?”

I liked that line.

As god as my witness I thought turkeys could fly.

This exchange always seemed to encapsulate wisdom: Richie and Fonzie are talking; Richie is bedeviled by a bully and is trying to figure out how to fight him and win.

“Fonzie, what would you do if you were in my situation?”


“Richie, I wouldn’t BE in your situation.”

“What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?”

-Zapp Brannigan

*by the way, while looking up the exact quote I saw people put it in Yahoo! Answers and others actually responded to it in all seriousness, HA!

The one that’s stuck with me is:

“It was a back tooth, Hank.”

I’m cheating, 'cause this is a movie (BASEketball) rather than a TV show.
Bob Costas and Al Michaels are co-announcers at a game:

Al Michaels: "I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited!

Bob Costas: “You’re excited? Feel these nipples!”

Fire Marshal Bill, from In Living Color:

Well, lemme tell you something!

Fr. Ted (gesturing between a group of small toy cows on the table, and a herd of actual cows outside the window): These are very small. Those are far away . . .

Dougal: Shakes his head gently, confused and uncomprehending.

I have tried a hundred times to convey the humor and profundity of this to people who have never seen the show - I’m convinced it can’t be done. It was just good television.

This reminds me of an Ernie Kovacs thing from the early days of MAD Magazine:

“Although the moon is not as big as the earth it is farther away.”

Uhh…what’s the show?

Father Ted.

Great show.

Speaking of Father Ted

Bishop Facks: So, Father. Do you ever have any doubts about the religious life? Is your faith ever tested? Anything you would be worried about? Any doubts you’ve been having about any aspects of belief? Anything like that?

Father Dougal: Well, you know the way God made us all, right? And he’s looking down at us from heaven and everything?

Bishop Facks: Uh-huh. [nods]

Father Dougal: And then his son came down and saved everyone and all that?

Bishop Facks: Yes.

Father Dougal: And when we die we’re all going to go to heaven?

Bishop Facks: Yes. What about it?

Father Dougal: Well, that’s the bit I have trouble with.

Actually, it’s the last line that sticks with me; but you have to know what it refers to.

Then there was the time Larry showed up with only one brother.
Hi, my name is Larry, __(Long pause)_, and this is my other brother Darryl.

Damn. I gotta watch that beginning to end. Again.

From Friends:

Joey: Rach, you gotta find out if he’s in the same place you are. Otherwise, it’s just a moo point.

Rachel: A moo point?

Joey: Yeah. It’s like a cow’s opinion. It just doesn’t matter. It’s moo.

What show is this from?


From Soap

Mickey Mouse’s dog was gay?