Twickster, your attempts at curtailing discussion in the “Amazing Race Season Debut - Delays?” are far more disruptive than the posts you’re attempting to moderate. Not only does it go against the spirit of the OP, but also spawns several follow-up posts to your poor moderation.
I realize Amazing Race is something you apparently care about, but that doesn’t mean you should be able to tailor the discussion to whatever you wish to, particularly when the headline mentions “Delays” and the OP itself references the football game, and continues to reference it in several posts. I did not see any concerns from the OP expressing displeasure of said discussion, so it would behoove you to let the conversation unfold naturally, as it pertains to the OP, and not your own personal whims.
ETA: Submitted too soon; subject should have read “Twickster: Your moderation is more disruptive than the posts in question”
I believe the thread you’re referring to is this one.
At least one regular participant in the TAR threads is tired of seeing the NFL/CBS argument hashed over week after week after week – me. I’m not telling people to stop talking about it – I’m asking them to start a thread devoted to that argument. That way, the people who just want to talk about TAR can, and people who want to talk about the NFL/CBS relationship – who may or may not be following the TAR threads – can find that discussion.
I’m sorry you don’t approve of my moderation, but I’m okay with what I’ve done.
Then why don’t you start the topic, with that as a clear rule, instead of hijacking and derailing threads where the OP explicitly mentions content you don’t care to discuss?
You’re not “asking,” you’re instructing them to stop talking about it in a thread where it was permitted by the OP. Why don’t you go start your own NFL-free Amazing Race thread?
Or you could have a single thread, much as we did, and allow people to converse on both matters. It’s not difficult to skip references to things you don’t care to read.
I’d hope you wouldn’t do things you don’t approve of…
In a thread entitled “Amazing Race Season Debut - Delays?”, it’s fucking ridiculous to suggest that discussion of the reason for the delay be confined to a separate thread, twickster. Your statement that:
is erroneous. It’s not about TAR’s debut, it’s about TAR’s debut being delayed. If you want to start a discussion about TAR’s debut, I suggest you start your own thread.
I’d also suggest you create a list of television shows you enjoy and participate in threads about, send it to one of the Cafe Society moderators, and tell them you have to recuse yourself from moderating any threads on those subjects because you’re completely unable to remain impartial and rational in your decisions in those discussions.
I’ll field this one, to save us all pages of going in circles. A thread about possible delays toThe Amazing Race must only discuss the show itself, and not the prospect, cause or effect of the delays, because that’s not what twixeater wants to talk about, even though that’s what the thread is about.
Any questions? Please feel free to ask. Just kidding – don’t, because I won’t answer. And just like that, we’re done.
I agree with the OP. It is a gratuitous and inappropriate use of a moderators authority. In a thread titled “Amazing Race Season Debut- Delays?” it is entirely appropriate to discuss the reason for the delay. Many people, myself included, have a DVR programmed to record CBS from 7-8PM on Sunday nights. If the show is delayed, even for five minutes, the viewer will miss the ending unless aware of the delay in advance and reset their recording time. I’ve had it happen to me once and it is extremely aggravating. A little venting about the reason for the delay is perfectly appropriate.
There is no reason for a moderator to go stomping around in a perfectly mild little discussion. Back off please.
I still see a difference between, on the one hand, providing a heads up that the start of the show would be delayed and grumbling about that fact, and, on the other hand, going into a detailed analysis of the relationship between the NFL and CBS, the history of that relationship, and the question of which show is being protected – 60 Minutes – and why. To me, the former is on-topic to a discussion of TAR, and the latter is a separate set of issues.
Apparently many of you see no discernible distinction between those two sets of issues. Although I do, this is not a hill I feel compelled to die on, so I withdraw my instructions. I will so post in that thread.
I am the one that started the thread the TAR thread, and I really did not intend the discussion to go into the NFL delaying the CBS programming. I was just trying to give people who DVR the TAR a heads up to program delays into the their recording. CBS did not have the NFL doubleheader but apparently a lot the Eastern half of the country had the 4 pm et game. The Jets were on the West Coast and St Louis and Baltimore were playing at 4 pm et too (they could have played at 1 pm) I live in the St Louis region so I had to account for the football games.
I responded in the other thread but I really intended this discussion to be about TAR and not NFL delays. I have no problem with delays, as long as I know they are coming.
I think people appreciate what you did notfrommensa, but with your OP really focusing on the various NFL games that CBS would be airing and how they might impact TAR, the discussion of CBS, the NFL, and delyas really seemed pretty on topic to someone looking in from the outside.
I think Twix made the right call, considering how threads grow organically, blah, blah, blah
Yeah, but that’s not what your OP said. You made the title and first paragraph about the delays. You have one sentence about your intended topic, and it’s rather content free, just asking for other people to respond.
In other words, I don’t see any reason people wouldn’t think the thread was supposed to be about the delay.
The title of the OP and the first line of the OP discuss delays and football. I can’t imagine how that thread is not supposed to be about the delays, rather than the show.
Seems to me the discussion of the new season of TAR should have been moved to a new thread and keep that thread about the delay. If any moderating was to be done.
TAR threads always start by discussing delays, if there are or are likely to be delays, and then always turn into threads on the show. They’ve done this for like8 years.
There’s absolutely no reason to create new rules or split threads, especially on the dubious advice of people like BigT and Irishman who (as far as I know) don’t actually participate in them.
So…if you don’t know the threads or participate in them, why are you even concerned? They’re fine the way they are without busybody-style meddling from non-participants.
You’re right, I don’t read them or participate. My point was that there was no need for Twickster to tell people to take the delay talk to another thread. Reading the title and OP of that post, that post was supposed to be about the delay. If you wish to also turn it into a thread on the show, I have no problem with that. Not my thread, not something I follow. But telling people to take the delay talk out of a thread with a title and OP mentioning the delay is bass-ackwards.
I wasn’t trying to institute any new modding, I was simply describing my perception of the thread.
I was glad twickster jumped in and nipped the discussion about delays caused by football, which was getting longer and more tiresome. I just wanted to read comments specifically about the episode. It felt like good modding to me.
I’m siding with twickster on this one. I interpreted the meaning of the OP title as “Here’s this week’s thread about TAR: which, by the way, may be delayed (as usual) by football”.
So I found it tiresome to wade through much whining about football. (and full disclosure, I like football and also live on the West Coast). So thanks, twickster, for nipping that in the bud.