Ubiquitous! It's in there sommers - MMP

Unless my memory has failed, the first time I ever read THAT word was on a Memorial Day weekend trip from my grammer’s house to the Frederick Remington museum in Ogdensburg, New York. Bet nobody here in the MMP ever knew that the famous painter/sculpter of cowboys and Indians actually lived on the banks of the St. Lawrence River. “Indian and cowyboy painters live out west in some square state,” you would say. Quite the contrary! Uh, huh, he lived in the house turned museum in Ogdensburg, and there among the paintings and sculptures was a sketchbook opened to a page where Fred wrote notes about THAT word mosquitoes. It had little tiny pencil drawings of lots of skeeters. There was nothing for it but I had to look up THAT word when I got back to grammer’s, seein’ as I was a tad worried about what THAT word skeeters might be carryin’ and all. Only it just means that the skeeters were everywhere alla time. Unbridled relief overcame me cause at grammers house, the grandkids was allus getting bit by THAT word skeeters. So there’s this week’s MMP and THAT word is indeed in there sommers.


Skeeters are THAT word. They’re on the radio right now. OK, it’s a story about skeeters (not the skeeters themselves). First they talked about why they bite some people more than others. Has to do with diet, apparently. Also there’s stuff about mosquito-repellent clothes (clothes that contain insecticide). Don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t really like the idea of my clothes being soaked in the stuff.

They used to REALLY love me (my legs were regularly polka-dotted when I was a kid). Now I’ll get the occasional bite, but it’s not too bad.

Well, I guess I should go get something done. Maybe some laundry. And then some planting. And then the lawn (I was going to mow yesterday, but the neighbors were entertaining and I didn’t want to serenade them with my mower.)


Yay, gt!! Thanks for not letting my MMP drop like stone! Where’s everybody else?? swampy? fairychatmom? taters? v-bob? bumba? lissla? welby? :smiley: I’m countin’ on y’all!

The Princess[sup]TM[/sup], and I went to the beach real early yesterday. Good thing, too, cause it was real busy. We just made it into the National Seashore before it got fulled up. It was HOT! I went into the water and nearly got sucked down to the Bahamas. I decided hot was better. I got a tad fried but it’s all good cause it should turn more this color by tamorry.

Got the grumpuses all moved in on Saturday. Whew! Now I gots to go over there taday and hook grammy grumpus up to aol. That will not be fun cause she’ll need to get new dial-up numbers.

I gots to do laundry, too. I’ll check back later.


I have finally learned that word, but there are some that come up occasionally that I can never remember, even though I look them up each time.


car terms–I drive a green car, that’s all I know and all I need to know, don’t ask me about the engine, okay?

computer terms–my computer is putty-colored. It mostly works. I’ll give you a ROM for what it will take to RAM it.

In the industry, we refer to that as a green car. Just thought you might want to know, in case you were talking to your mechanic or something.

I’m pretty good at obscure words if I care about the subject. Car things, not so much. I also drive a green car (to use the technical term). It has four tires and the ability to get me from point A to point B. Everything else I leave to the mechanics.

Hi Puggy! I’m thinking most people are holidaying (not Lissla, though, and where has that dangergene been anyway?). Me, I need to get work done around the house and work-work done eventually since I’ll be gone Friday and next Monday and we’ve got one of those deadline things looming over us. So instead, I’m procrastinating.


I’m here! I’m here!

Where the heck is Rue, and why didn’t we get an MMP last week? Did I miss a memo?

Ontological is a good word. So is nostrificate. And metrophobia.

It’s Attacks Things Husband’s birthday next Monday. Quasi-Daughter and I are busily planning gifts. He wants a several ton rock on tank treads that will follow him around everywhere. He’s not getting it. I’m thinking a nice bookshelf (stacks of books all over his floor, and not enough shelves) and maybe some tea.

I saw Revenge of the Sith on Friday and it was good! We’re going to see Kingdom of Heaven tonight. This is the most movies we’ve ever watched in a month. Oooh! Ooh! Before the Star Wars movie, there was a trailer for…

***The Chronicles of Narnia:

The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe!!!***

I got all squealy and excited. It’s coming out at Christmas. I can’t wait.

Hi Lissla, Rue bestowed MMP-starting privileges on Tupug (mostly because she demanded that he name a substitute when he mentioned that there wouldn’t be one today because of the holiday (it’s Memorial Day in the U.S.), and that he might not even get to it tomorrow - all of the is IIRC).

Hmmmm nostrificate? A cross between Nostradamus & pontificate?


That is amazing. We saw the Revenge of the Sith just yesterday, I was thinking, Lord of the Rings is done, Star Wars is finished, what’s next? Gotta be Narnia. But I hadn’t heard a thing about it!

I’d like to be at the beach this weekend. It’s been kinda gray and dreary most of the weekend, with just a few little patches of sunshine. I’m going to go eat a mango–that should make me feel sunnier!

Ontological is one of my favorite words. Other good words: effervescent, scintillating, incandescent. They’re just fun to say!

gardentraveler, I’m glad I’m not the only one not holiday-ing today. I have a lot of things to do, and it’s good just to have a day off work. Two long weekends in a row–I’m getting spoiled!

Lissla: use “nostrificate” in a sentence.

I’m off for a long walk, and then yoga, if I feel really energetic.

Well I am working today and as befits all holidays in Wyoming it is raining. We even had hail stones at 7.30AM. We were stood in dispatch watching the yard flood…

Anyways hope everyone has/had a fun day doing what ever it is you did/are doing.

I built my grill on Saturday afternoon. There is a story there which I will tell when the wounds have healed. Put it this way that bitch fought back! I would NOT let a chunk of metal defeat me.

Hey, ems, I thought of you when I read this thread about favorite unsubstantiated theories. In post #17, someone says that their favorite is that Wyoming doesn’t exist. Several people have stopped in to defend Wyoming’s honor, but still…


For the record, I drive a green van. Our car is grey. My sweetie’s motorcycle is purple. Our riding mower is red. That’s pretty much it for our vehicles.

My favorite words are persiflage, thaumaturge, and callipygian. There are others that come up from time to time. I like words.

And today was yet another work-on-the-boat day. A diver was supposed to show up between 9 and 10 to clean our hull, but he never showed. My sweetie finished the electrical work, and I scrubbed the exterior, except for the hull. On a 37’ boat, that’s a lot of scrubbing. I didn’t realize how nasty-dirty it was till I cleaned it. What we need to do is patch several small holes (from where brackets and stuff were installed) then paint the whole pilothouse. Not this year.

It was a painful weekend for both of us. I’ve got a bunch of bruises and several cuts, plus a broken nail. My poor sweetie is all sore from contorting himself in the limited space of the engine room. But we’re home and showered and fed and relaxing.

I nearly went for a swim. The wind was blowing the boat away from the finger pier, so I had to pull on a dock line to get within comfortable stepping distance. My shoes were wet, as was the deck. I waited a bit long after dropping the line before stepping off, slipping a bit… I was immediately focused on the loop of dock line on the piling - I grabbed hold of it and fought to balance myself - no small feat, since the finger pier wobbles a bit. But I managed and I didn’t fall in, which is good, since I had my purse with my cell phone and all.

And now I’m doing laundry. It was a busy, busy long weekend. Can’t wait to get back to work where I can rest!

Woohoo! The diver went to the boat after we’d left. Our bottom is now all clean! <snerk> And it only cost $100!

And now I’m eating chocolate-peanut butter ice cream. Yum!

Happpy Memorial Day Y’all! Ok, Lissla didn’t celebrate it but still, it can be a happy day for her right? Happy Monday especially for Lissla and the other non-Amurrkin MMPers! I am all nice and brown. I have been pretty much hangin’ round the pool all weekend. It rained early yesterday evening and today was mostly cloudy like with the sun peeking in and out but it was still fun. Saturday, a bunch of folks showed up and we grilled burgers and hotdogs and had all kinds of other foods and lots of libations and some folks even ended up spending the night cause they libated a bit too much to be driving and I won’t allow that to be, so they stayed here. It was interesting to walk into my living room Sunday morning and find folks asleep on both sofas and in each of the two recliners. Plus two in the guest room and two on the futon in the study. Ok, a bunch of folks spent the night Saturday night. They all got up, eventually and left. Then ACBG and me spent a nice Sunday afternoon alone at the pool. Last night I made meatloaf, creamed potatoes, lima beans, steamed carrots, cornbread and a peach cobbler for dinner. Afterwards ACBG showed me his appreciation for dinner in his own special way. :smiley: Today, a couple friends came over and we grilled chicken and had grilled chicken salads for lunch and some homemade strawberry ice cream. I got homemade strawberry ice cream in my freezer now. I predict that it will be gone by Thursday. ACBG has gone back to his house cause he has to go to work real early in the morning, so he decided he’d best go mellow out a while. I sent him home with some leftover meatloaf, beans and carrots for supper.

So, this weekend was a lot of lounging, libating (would you believe we went through three bottles of tequila and six bottles of margarita mix on Saturday! And Og only know how much beer was consumed over three days!) It is now officially summer at the swampcave. Club swampy was opened with much fanfare and libating and food. It was all good.

Oh, skeeters. The county has trucks that spray for skeeters around here to help with skeeter control. Also, the dragonflies are back! They eat skeeters. I like dragonflies.

My truck is burgundy which is kinda red. My Blazer is red. My 'Stang is dark metallic gray with red leather interior. Red seems to play an important part with me and vehicles.

-swampbear (I now all the words to “Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend”. That’s what I learned on Saturday)

Since we last heard from gardentraveler, she has:[ul][li]mowed the lawn (it was severely overdue, so she broke asacred grasscutting rule and cut significantly more than 1/3 of its length - SHOCKING!), [/li][li]started dinner (tortelloni with fresh tomatoes, herbs and asiago and then some papaya with lime juice for dessert), [/li][li]done some minor putting stuff away/cleaning up, and [/li][li]decided that speaking about herself in the third person sounds rather odd.[/ul][/li]Sounds like you had a nice, relaxing weekend, swampy!

I, too, love words: concatenated and pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis(which, IIRC - I’m too tired to look it up - is a sort of invented word; also I’m not sure I got it exactly right) are two of my many favorites.

Oh - and yay for the diver showing up! It’s maintenance stuff like that that keeps me from owning much more than a car and a house…


You want summer? I’ll gives ya summer. We had 98 degrees here today!!! :eek: What happened to spring? And hurricane season starts Wednesday! :eek:

I spent the day at the grumpuses new place. Barbeedoll[sup]TM[/sup] and her hubby managed to get grammer a scooter for a real good price this morning. she tried it out this afternoon. We hadda run to keep up with her. Poor Grampy almost got left behind. But we got them to the dining room and they got fed real good with some tasty ribs.

swampy, you just have way too much fun. And then you get to go to work and tortu…er, test people.

fcm, way to go! Your boat’s bottom is all clean. :smiley: :smiley:

gt, I’m thinkin’ you are one way cool womans. :slight_smile:

spare the horses, love your screen name. Welcome!!! Here’s your chandelier! You get to keep it till the next newbie. :slight_smile:

ems, I will attest that Wyoming is real, hail in the summer and all, if you need me to.

So, liss, did you like RTS? I haven’t seen it yet. Give me a yea or nay.

My Jeep Grand Cherokee is metallic gray. I like that color. But I secretly desire a candy apple red metalic car. I don’t know what kind, just it must be candy apple red metalic. [whackdoodle emoticon]

Boy, rue, you could at least slip in with a "how ya doin?

Okay, cough, cough Is anybody gonna figure out where “ubiquitous” is in the OP or did that flatten out like a souffle in the Himilayas??

gt, isn’t that a disease caused by silicate particles in the lungs? I think it is. Someone check.

At the Lissar household, I am the resident walking dictionary. And, Magic, don’t fall into the monkey pit! They’re all too likely to nostrificate you! I have The Superior Person’s Book of Words. It has great words in it. Jumentous. Bellibone. Labrose. Afflatus (a sudden rush of divine inspiration). Ereption (snatching away). That one is fun to say.


I think I spelled that right.
I should get Mr. lissar up (he’s napping) for a quick bite to eat before the movie tonight. Work was de-stickering books for eight hours. I refuse to do anything useful at work tomorrow.

RTS was very good. See it. Yoda kicks butt.

We’re going to go see RTS tonight at our local theatre, but first my report:

Saturday we worked until almost 6 at the shop and then we went with some other friends down to McMinnville to the little theatre to see aplay. It was a recreation of a 1942 USO broadcast, complete with sappy commercials. It was pretty good fun. After we split up and the Newbergians headed for Newberg, but we decided to stop at Golen Valley Brewery for a sammy and a beer, but they were slammed. So we went over to Calamity Jane’s for a burger instead. Then home.

Sunday we got up and worked on the yard for a while. Pulled a bunch of weeds, got the Mantis (tiller) going and tilled the tomato area and planted a couple of tomato plants. A Roma and a Jet something-or-other. Then we went over to the GirlChild’s house for grillin’ an’ chillin’ with her and #3Granddaughter and #2Grandson, GC’s huby was playing Search & Rescue at the boat races, so he didn’t get any chicken and stuff. I 'spect he got some later. We were 'sposed to go see RTS last night, but our friend backed out and we were pooped, so we went home and crashed.

This morning we got up early and drove out past Sandy Or, (a real long ways) to look at a trailer house on the Sandy river one of Wifey’s clients wants to buy. We thought we oughta give an opinion on it. Then on the way home we stopped at Office Depot and bought a new digital camera. Then we went over to the shop a opened for a couple of hours. We cut soap we made Saturday, and Wifey made some lotions and scrubs. After 2 hours we’d only sold one bar of soap, so we came home. Right now there’s some chickie breasts on the barby, a cauliflouer casserole in the nukerwave, and a salad on the counter for our din din. And then we’re meeting one of our friends to go to the movie.

And that’s where you came in.