Um, wow, I have no idea what to say to that.

i meant to quote this post
i also hope youse guys know i’m kidding

Yeah, it’ll grow back. After the chemo.

Well, you might not mean it that way, but that’s what I hear. If it was pretty then, what is it now?

I know! Let’s do some SAT-style analogies! (Can you believe they took these out of the SAT? I did extremely well on that section, too!)

long : short :: pretty : _______

So, maybe this is one of those occasions where you should just keep your opinion to yourself.

Pretty is short, too. It just seems to me long is prettier. And I promise to keep my opinion to myself unasked.

That’d be short is pretty, too. Your analogy confused me. 'Mika no think good! :slight_smile:

you cannot fault the speaker for what the listener hears
yes - people have to be aware of how what they say is perceived, but also people ***sometimes ** * have to listen to the messenger, not just the message

Okay, but if someone comes up to you and says, in a wailing tone, “You cut your hair! And you had such gorgeous hair, too! Especially when you put it up in a pony tail. Awww. Oh well, it’ll grow back”* is there another message to perceive other than “I hate your haircut”?

*Not verbatim, but pretty much what my coworker said to me, as best as I can recall.

On the hijack, I, at one point, had mid-back hair which I was planning on cutting significantly-above-my-ears. A friend’s at-the-time boyfriend informed me that I shouldn’t, since “guys don’t like short hair on girls”. I brushed it off, kept talking. He reiterated, in a very firm and directive tone, that under no circumstances should I cut my hair short, since guys don’t like girls with short hair.

I yelled over to my boyfriend, sitting a few stools away, “What do you think about girls with short hair?” “They’re HOT!” he replied.

Didn’t like that guy anyway.

That is just hilarious. Why on earth would he think you’d be interested in his opinion?

I’ve heard a few guys say they like long hair on girls. I’ve had long hair for 20 years (waist-length at one point), and I felt like I needed a change. Whether or not a man likes it or not didn’t really enter into the equation.

Statement: Don’t worry…it’ll grow back!
Response: I know, its a conspiracy by the hair salon industry to suck money from our wallets every 6-8 weeks! I’ve never trusted people with that many different “hair care products” and the knowledge to use them! :smiley:

Or you could just kick the offensive person out of your office…I did that last week and it felt good.

Sadly, I have only a cubicle. Oh, if I had an office to kick people out of…

happy daydreaming

Once I ran into a woman I knew, and she had inch-long hair, freshly blonde. I blinked, and I said, “Dang, now I’ll have to get a haircut. I feel uneasy talking to a woman with hair shorter than mine.” :smack: :smack: :smack:

Why did I cut it short?

It was starting to move when there was no wind. Just a gentle swaying, like the surface of a lake, but I knew I’d better destroy it before it destroyed me.

Wait until their next hair cut and say Wow, who got drunk and cut your hair?

I dunno really what to say.

It seems thoughtless, but it may not have been malicious.

It is different for me maybe, but I have had people make rude comments about a hair cut. I simply say “I like it.” Since usually I’m the only one whose opinion matters, that is enough.

The summer after my freshman year of college, I got my shoulder-length hair cropped to a buzzcut (and also got contacts that same summer – several people didn’t recognize me in the fall).

Anyway, the next day at my summer job, one guy commented, “What, did you get about six haircuts?” But it made me laugh. It was a pretty severe change, after all, and I didn’t get any sort of derogatory vibe out of it.

he said with a disdainful sniff.

Listen bub, the only man that would say that a top which artfully displays a woman’s breasts, is “ugly” is either lying or gay. Immodest, I can see. Scandalous? Sure, why not. Ugly? I don’t think so.

Secondly, there’s only one kind of straight man that makes ignorant comments about a woman’s appearance, such as the ones in the OP - that’s a very, very stupid man.

Whenever someone says something truly ridiculous with impressive gall I laugh in their face. Loudly.

I really don’t hold back. :slight_smile:

In Korea, if you meet someone you haven’t seen in a while and they think you’ve gained weight, they’ll say something like: “You’re looking . . . healthy!” :dubious:

I’m pretty short (somewhere between 5’ and 5’1") and have a small build, so a lot of people comment on my, er, smallness. I don’t mind usually, I’ve grown used to it, but sometimes I wonder why they bother. At least they don’t comment on my breasts. I have a somewhat fuller bosom than most women my height, and back home every girl I met saw fit to comment on them. “Wow, you have bigger boobs than I’d expect. Is it because you lived in the US?” I usually just smiled and said, “No, I get them from my grandmother.”

I also get a lot of comments on my English, especially after people hear I’m from Korea. “You’re not American? But your English is so good!” “Thanks, yours isn’t half bad either.” :wink:

I like long hair on women. I like short hair on women. Heck, I’ve seen bald women I liked. I guess I just like women. :slight_smile:

However, I often have difficulty recognising people. A radical change in hairstyle will confuse me. But that is my problem, not yours.

Re: blue eyes… I occasionally get that “your eyes are so blue!” thing as well. I’m now tempted to reply, “Why, yes. I had them dyed. They were red before.” :smiley:

When I was suffering through pubescent acne, my grandmother, out of the blue, exclaimed, “Your skin just looks awful!” I think I said something like, “Thanks for the info, Nana, my mirror is out of order so I can’t see how I look.” And she wasn’t senile or anything (her mind was sharp up to the very end); she was just kind of a bitch sometimes.