Unlikely Candle Scents

Two week old tippy cup o’ milk.

Liquid under a commercial dumpster.

Guilt Potpourri

Defined as:

Invite-YOU-to-my-“CandleMagic”-house-party-and-force-you-to-buy-2-dozen- candles-and-holders-causing-ME-to-have-to-attend-YOUR-Longaberger-basket-party-and-buy-a-$50 tissue basket

Steaming Cowpatty
Boiled Cabbage
Swamp Gas
Diesel Exhaust
Dirty Diaper
Bachelor’s Refrigerator
Athlete’s Foot
Mad Skunk

I have a plum-pudding scented candle in the kitchen that I still haven’t tried lighting.

Unlikely, but true!

Filthy drawers? Dead mouse? So that’s what turns you on? Gee, you people are strange… :wink:

Me, I’d go for:
Salty sea breeze.
The vague, yet distinct, smell of air at -35 C.

Egg Salad Sandwich Fart
Unflushed Toilet in 90F Weather
Moldy Clothes
Rancid Milk
Stale Pizza
Garbage Disposal
Ginger Ale Barf.

(2trew- I think a Play-Doh candle would be cool!)

Dunno if anyone uses this copying process any longer, but:

Mimeograph fluid

I love the smell of that stuff, FCM!
And the ka-chuk ka chuk of the mimeograph machine :slight_smile:

Apples ‘n’ meat

Berries ‘n’ bleach

Pickles ‘n’ gasoline

Fudge ‘n’ carcass

Wildflowers ‘n’ whiskey

Cucumber ‘n’ Napalm

Cinnamon ‘n’ sulfer

Citrus ‘n’ horse

Elderberry ‘n’ Liquid Paper

(just one or two more, this is fun)

Survivor contestants, day 29 in the Amazon
cheap wine vomit
cat breath, after eating tuna (I love kitties, even stinky ones)
and, perhaps worst of all, the smell of fear

essence of stress
pencil lead
mustard gas

Cat anal gland leakage

Dammit! I was hoping no one else would think of that:)

Dental Plaque
Urinal Puck

Burning tires
Morning breath
Cattle feedlot
Last year’s Easter eggs
Warm placenta
Maggotty meat
and …
Whatever the dog rolled in before getting in bed with you.

Pig farm

mouse tinkle

Spaghetti sauce spill on a red hot burner

Party-house carpet on a hot, humid day

Italian sausage belches

Burnt-up electrical motor

jalapeno vomit

I always thought of that as a fresh smell, once my nostrils managed to open. Maybe you were smelling the inside of your nostrils once they slammed shut.

two more:

Bum Clothes
Mississippi River, Late Summer.

Pantyhose Potpourri
Peaches n Semen
Praeder Willie’s Coprophagic Frolic
Sebaceous ‘Nilla
Gangrenous Grove
Morning Erithromycin
Effluvial Discharge Gardens
Public Pool-pourri
Murky Lavender Discharge
Touch o’ Smegma

I have a Sweaty Feet scented candle that my niece gave me for Christmas. I lit it once, and it lives up to billing.

leaky battery
hot tar in 100% humidity in August
rubber cement
permanent marker
the smell inside stores that make their own glasses - Pearl Vision and such - they smell awful!!!

Hey, ever smelled the Lemongrass & Orange candle from Yankee? Close as you can get! :: puke ::