I have been known to cut raw cabbage into large wedges and snack on them while watching TV or websurfing. It’s nearly as crunchy as chips, and I like the flavor.
I have a regular combo: pretzels and jalapeno cheese dip. I can’t eat pretzels without the dip. Somebody I switch to pretzel sticks for a time, then back to regular pretzels.
I’m not sure this counts…it’s a drink that I’ve imbibed while watching TV (and would have it at any other time) but my family thinks it’s really weird that my new favorite drink is vodka mixed with ginger ale.
I worked for a chef once who had the salad preparers save the cores of purple cabbages for him to snack on. He said they tasted like rutabagas. I don’t think I’ve even ever seen a rutabaga.
My weird TV snack is alternate bites, at long intervals, of tree nuts and dark chocolate. This is accompanied by either an alchohlic beverage or water–nothing else soft. I used to slowly munch on various mixed, spicy, pickled veggies like pepperoncini, garlic olives, and artichoke hearts.
Wavy Lays and Lays Ranch Dip. It’s my crack. Sometimes I’ll pop some popcorn and snack on that, but if the chips and dip are available, I can’t resist eating them.
BTW, cabbage cores are the best part. Little salt…nom nom nom.
Hey, I can’t help it, I mingle with vodka and I get all uninhibited.
Not something I do often, but some times I’d pick one of those Knorr stock cubes and slooooooowly nibble at it.
Exactly. That’s where the flavor is strongest. I like it better without salt, though. I prefer green cabbage cores to purple, too–purple cabbage has a bitter edge that I don’t care for.
I used to put gunk in the sour cream but, in a random fit of lazyness, simply stopped. Now when I taste a flavored dip it’s ungodly salty and strong. Just some of the plain stuff and I’ll be fine.
Also I’d like to second crunching up the chips and putting them in the nearly empty sour cream bowl and eating them like cereal. Spoonfuls of crunchy creamy corney saltyness. [homer simpson]Ahhhggghhgghg…[/homer simpson]