Unwanted text messages

I have been getting messages from 72567, something about an IQ score is waiting. I want it to stop. How do I get it to stop?

get smarter and then you won’t worry about your IQ score.

more details on when and where and what with would help.

The message is from 72567. It says, and I quote: "Ur IQ score is waiting! Reply YES to this message to see how smart u r now! $9.99 per month stop 2en

I want them to stop sending but most of all I don’t want to do something that will allow them to charge me for anything.


There are specialty web sites that help with this type of thing in general for text messages and phone numbers. You don’t have to ask here. Just type whatever info you have exactly as you see it in Google and you will see what other users have experienced with possible fixes.

In this case, I just copied the message you gave into Google and got several direct hits including this one for possible user solutions.


Yes, but the solutions involve calling them, which seems to be what the OP wants to avoid. I know on my landline I can block numbers. Check with your cell phone provider.

Giving your info to a company to get them to stop seems like the wrong way to go.

Right, I actually found that sms watchdog group before I posted here, but did not trust that site itself. I do not want to text back stop unless I am sure that that is the standard way to get this to cease and desist

It’s spam. Best ignore it (and hope the phone company eventually finds a way of stopping it or filtering most of it out, as the ISPs eventually did with email spam.)

It is the standard way. You may have to do it once or twice. If you do it twice and the messages still come in report it to your wireless provider. They have ways of making it stop but you need to send the “stop” message before they will do anything.

I work for one of the big cell phone providers and we advise you to reply with the word ‘STOP’. If you don’t they CAN apply the subscription to your line without your permission.

What? Cite that “they” (some random company) can charge subscriptions to someone’s line without their permission. There’s no way this is correct, or nobody’d ever be able to own a phone, because there’d be a hundred thousand companies tying unrequested subscriptions to it, and the average phone bill would be for 1.3 trillion dollars.

I’d appreciate a translation of these instructions. I can figure out that if I hit “Reply” and send the message YES to them, then I will have subscribed, and they can charge me.

But what does “stop 2en” mean? I’m guessing that dauerbach left out the final “d”, and it simply means to reply stop to end the spam. But for all I know, “2en” might be an abbreviation for something else.

Another thing that worries me is how much care these spammers put into their software. If I get the case wrong, and I reply with “STOP”, will they consider that an invalid stop request, because it was supposed to be in lower case?

I hate these spammers!!! :mad:

My provider (Sprint) has a deal on their web page where I can block messages from any numbers I choose (up to 20 per line, if my memory is any good). My strategy thus far has just been to completely ignore the messages, then add the originating numbers to this blacklist. It seems to have worked reasonably well - I have not had any spam texts in several months.

Verizon allows you to block internet based texts and also block individual numbers. I don’t know if there is a way around this but I still receive spam. I just can’t imagine that someone is sending these texts from a phone to get around the block.

Most of the time people do give their permission but don’t realize it. They enter their number on some website for trivia, sports updates, horoscopes, ringtones, etc. They fail to read the fine print that states they’ll be charged for the service. If they fail to opt out when they get those texts they will be charged.

Yeah, I realize that–but the poster I responded to was claiming that folks could spam you via text, and then if you didn’t respond with the right magic word, start charging you for a subscription without your permission.

And you’re correct; that’s clearly not true.

I think they can generally continue to periodically spam you with the offers (free of charge, except your cell phone company may charge you for receiving the texts) unless you tell them to stop or otherwise block you.

One more reason why it’s absurd to have to pay for incoming text messages.