My wife and I discussed that we ought to check out what new shows are coming down the pipe, to see if there are any we might want to check out. (So far, this is my first tiny step!) Any shows in particular you are looking forward to? If so, might you list some shows you like, if you think that might hint at your tastes?
Right now, the only shows we both make a point of watching are the Americans, Big Bang, Modern Family. Maybe a couple others that don’t immediately come to mind. In the past we enjoyed The Good Wife, West Wing, Buffy, Angel… My wife watches Castle and Bones. Several that we liked didn’t last, like Battle Creek, and The Grinder. Not fans of all the CSI-type shows. Any you’d recommend for us?
The local paper (SJ Merc) has an article about the top 10 shows coming down the pike, and none of them looked to be of any interest to me. I’ll look forward to the next season of Walking Dead, and then maybe if The Affair and Homeland are starting up again on Showtime.
I’m checking out This Is Us. The commercials make it look like a cheesy family drama, but supposedly it has an unexpected twist and it’s getting great reviews.
I’m also intrigued by Designated Survivor, featuring Kiefer Sutherland as the only cabinet member who survives a US Capitol bombing. Hopefully it’s a little more than “Jack Bauer becomes President.”
Timeless and MacGyver could be fun, I’ll probably watch an episode or two and see how they are. Westworld is what I’m most excited about, it could be genuinely good. It looks promising from the commercials, and Jonathan Nolan was also behind Person of Interest which turned out to be a pretty great show.
And they’re not until next year, but I’m really interested in Legion and Taboo on FX.
Thanks - sorry, I hadn’t seen that thread. I’ll accept that I’m an old fart. Not sure how long I’m gonna have to wait for the next dribble of Better Call Saul eps! But my impression was that at least some significant percentage of primary networks do release new shows/seasons in the fall.
Always tough, cause past experience would suggest there will only be 2-3 that we care about giving a solid shot, but it can be difficult to identify those. Fortunately, most would be available afterwards on demand. Seems as tho a couple of our longtime shows cancelled the last season - like Good Wife. And Modern Family has declined significantly IMO.
I’m intrigued by Pitch, but since it is on Fox, instead of a nice study of the realities of the situation, we’ll probably get young beautiful people having sex, and lots of angst, and “drama”, and precious little baseball. Plus, the episodes will be shown out of order.
I read about that and it seemed OK until i read that the terrorist attack is likely not one at all, it seems like they will delve yet again into secret government conspiracies time. :mad:
I’m definitely going to check out The Good Place. It had me at the trailer’s “What a condescending bench.” I only hope it’s not regularly on Monday nights; I already have too many shows that night.
Of course it happens. E.g., Robert Guillaume went from Soap (4 seasons) to Benson (7 seasons). And that’s keeping the same character. Taking on a new role is even more common.
For (sort of) non-fiction shows, Dr. Phil went from appearing on Oprah to his own show. 14 years on the air and counting.
That makes me wonder … what if they made a TV series about Dr. Phil’s early years working for trial lawyers? Nah, too stupid.
The only new show I have much interest in is Star Trek: Discovery, but that’s not coming out until next year. From what I have read, it’s not going to be available as an ordinary broadcast, either. Not sure if I want to pay for a VOD channel just for one show. Will wait and see.
The new season of Murdoch Mysteries is starting soon. I’m certainly looking forward to that.
Got around to looking at this list. Egad, what a mess. The OTA networks are clearly dying. The flow of creative talent to other providers is really starting to show.
OTOH, I think the show about the time travelers is going to be a big hit.