In this thread, I posted that I was having a bit of a difficult issue with another player of Final Fantasy XI. World Eater asked for updates on the last post, so here it is.
The weirdness is over. I started acting towards her the same way she acts towards me: distant. I stopped asking her to do things with me, stopped sending her tells (even just to ask how she’s doing), and barely gave more than a nod when she made an appearance in the linkshell. This seemed to work out great. She’s a bit friendlier to me now than she used to be, and I got over needing her to be around me. Every once in a while we’ll have a small “How you doin’?”, but not much more than that is needed. I feel comfortable around her; I feel comfortable not around her. Life is good.
P.S. - Gravity, I’m sorry you and your SO left the game, but I understand why. If you ever feel like coming back, you’ll have a friend waiting for you.