updating to the Location field @ the SDMB

After trying to sell our house and buy our new house for most of 2011, we finally managed it, and moved in on 24 December 2011! I can’t believe that moving companies are willing to work on Christmas Eve. We were originally supposed to move around 29 October and escrow got delayed so many times that we ended up moving on 24 December. :smack:

I learned a lot about the real estate process, let me tell you! Also that changing stuff in a house (tile, carpet, hardwood floor etc.) costs money, but it might end up being less than you think.

For those of you who have sent me requests for the picture gallery, I’ll finally be getting to them this week-end. Sorry for the long delay.

Congrats on your new digs!

Than you! The first night, the pilot light in the gas water heater was out, and we couldn’t find the matches anywhere. My wife wasn’t too happy with the thought of taking a cold shower. Fortunately her parents live close and her father showed up with a gas lighter to save his baby girl.