Usernames - unintentional fun.

At the school where I work, pupil’s (or learner’s to use the current jargon) usernames are created as follows: first three letters of your surname, first three letters of your first name, followed by the year in which you would have started in Grade 8 at the school.

Today, I was scrolling through some user profiles on an old workstation and deleting those of learners who had left and found this username - shii-t03

That’s gotta suck :slight_smile:

That would suck having a minus sign as the second letter in your first name. Poor kid.

We got first three letters of our first name, then first two of the last and finally three random numbers for our college e-mail.

A girl in my class got annal111* - she always insisted on writing her e-mail instead of saying it out loud :slight_smile:

*ok, I don’t remember the numbers but they don’t matter.

I used to work with a very mild-mannered accountant whose first name began with a B and last name was Eastman. We all got a chuckle out of sending emails to the Beastman.

OMG…I get a weekly email from a weight-loss support group from a beastman! But I’m curious…what first name starts with I-t.???

There was an old gag list circulating years back of bad email addresses that follow similar patterns. I’ll always remember #1:

Barbara Joan Beeranger (Myplace Home Decorating) - beeranbj @

I always get a giggle out of an acquaintance’s email address, as her employer uses a format of first initial followed by first three letters of the last name.

In her case, that means she’s ehug.

Tee hee.

(it would be even more amusing if she worked for a truly un-cuddly company, like Canada Customs & Revenue)

My o-line coach in college had the most appropriate e-mail address, SCarry. I would have laughed more but I was fearful of attracting his attention.

I used to work with a guy whose first name began with an “S” and whose last name began with “Hite-” As most companies do, we made our e-mail addresses by (First Initial)(Last Name) But in his case, we made an exception.

We have “scarrey.”

More rudely, I know someone with a last name beginning with “Lyt.” Her first name begin with “c,” so the e-mail starts with “clyt”

We’ve made exceptions, too, back when our convention was first three of first, first three of last. So John Smith was I can’t remember specifics, but there were several that made us giggle, and at least one that I refused to create to standard and made in the format or else instead.

Our main hardware vendor uses the first 4 of your first name, first 3 of your last name.

That means our rep is She hates it.

She cheered up when she realized that if I went to work for them, I’d be :smiley:

I worked at a company that was “first initial” followed by “first five letters of last name” They did make an exception for Mr. Frank Uckert.

I don’t know, I’ve only been in the job six months, so she’s before my time, but there are a significant number of Oriental students at the school, so it could have been something exotic…