Vaccination Status Poll

Change my vote to “Vaccine Scheduled”. Got an appointment at Safeway for noon Saturday, and My Beloved got her appointment for 11am Monday.

Very happy for you, Brother. Way to stay on top of it.


Changed my vote to “fully vaccinated”. Got my second Pfizer dose 3 hours ago. Let’s see how bad the reaction is. First one was sore for about 2 days. But as I told my wife and son, it wasn’t as bad as a tetanus shot.

Yesterday was our household celebration of two weeks past the second dose, which is enough time for its effects to fully kick in, making us as fully vaccinated as we’re gonna get.

Novavax, shot 1, this morning. Since this is a trial I joined back in January, I get paid $150 per shot.


Just got the 2nd round with Pfizer - woohoo!

Got my first shot of Pfizer a week ago. No problems, no side effects. Except I can feel this third eye that wants to emerge in the middle of my forehead.

"Vaccine scheduled for Saturday " turned into "vaccine rescheduled for Sunday ".

Got my second Pfizer shot early afternoon yesterday and felt like crap the rest of the day. Today, I have energy and am getting stuff done. Thank goodness!

just got my 2nd Pfizer dose a few hours ago. reaction seems to be coming on faster this time, two weeks till fully vaccinated is in effect

Got my first Moderna shot yesterday (finally!), and feeling like crap today.

I am so glad that you’re feeling like crap…well you know what I mean. :slight_smile:

I read something the other day that doctors are telling people “Don’t feel bad if you don’t feel bad” after getting vaccinated. Evidently, feeling your immune system kick-in and making you feel like crap for a day or two is now seen as a badge of honor or something, and those that have no/slight side effects are missing out on the experience. I guess people will want to brag about anything now.

I don’t think it’s necessarily a “brag.”

Physicians have told us for years that reactions to vaccines mean they are working. But we don’t know what a severe reaction to the COVID vaccine means at this point.

It could just as readily indicate that the people who had a severe reaction to the vaccine were at greatest risk of getting dangerously sick from catching the virus.

Personally, I was relieved either way to have had a significant reaction to the second shot.

Just got my second Pfizer shot about 2.5 hours ago and changed my status to “fully vaccinated.” After my first shot I had a sore arm and was tired, but the tiredness could’ve been due to my 5 week old baby. I’m praying for minimal side effects for this shot, as I have now-8-week-old baby who insists on being fed, cuddled, etc. regardless of how I’m feeling :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Moderna shot #2. Arrived about 9:38 for my 9:45 appointment, but the sign did say 9:45 so unlike my 1st dose I walked right in. Handed them my card – they crossed my name off a list and then I went to the consent table. Everything was OK and then went to the waiting cone and immediately was directed to a table. Longest wait was for the nurse to look up my name. (I have a compound last name and sometimes there is a space and sometimes there is not – she was a Van Der something so was aware of that issue). Waiting area was about as full as my 1st dose. Now to wait for my immune system to kick into high gear.


I wouldn’t call it a brag. I really did feel like crap starting an hour after my second Pfizer shot, but the next day I was fine. The same thing happened to my boss today so I spoke up just to let her know that she wasn’t alone in her response.

This past Sunday was my 2 + 2 day. I celebrated by going to a community garden workday, masked, and bringing some home-baked za’attar bread for people to eat outdoors and unmasked.

Official 2+ 2 day for our household will be 5/8. We have an outdoor dining reservation for that night.

In the meantime, one of my oldest childhood friends and her husband are in town this coming week (they are both fully vaccinated). We may have a small gathering in our backyard. We even bought a commercial-grade tarp to hang over the patio in case of rain. I think there is still going to be a lot of outdoor socializing this summer, so it seemed like a good investment.

Congratulations. I’ve got a week to go.