Vaginas On A Stick!

Your choice of lovely pastel shades.


They’re actually hair sticks. And they’re supposed to look like cowry shells.

You can wear them, then say “Hey look at me, I’m a {insert female version of dickhead}”. :smiley:

All that’s lacking are the centipedes!

I have recently resolved to post in every thread with the word Vagina in the title. I made this resolution approximately 10 seconds ago.

[Crocodile Dundee Drawl] That’s not a vagina. This is a vagina (or rather, vuvla)! [/CDD]

Seriously, cowries have been used for thousands of years to look like vulvas. But painting them in pastel shades sure does enhance the effects! :smiley:

I don’t know if there’s a traditional name for this in English, but in Japanese these would be called kanzashi. “Hair sticks” just doesn’t sound terribly glamorous. The manga artist Kikuchi Shouta is quite fond of them, like here, and I agree (though that’s a bit much.) Of course, these are minus the vagina.

I see you’ve played vagina/vulva before.

[hijack] Yeah. I’m still trying to figure out what to tell my baby daughter “it” is. “Vagina’s” more popular, but not technically correct. “Vulva’s” just awkward, and the rest of the kids will look at her like this: :dubious: . And “yoni” is just too, too silly for words, though I hang out with a yoni-worshippin’ (cowrie shell wearin’) crowd. [/hijack]

pudendum Of course she’ll still get the odd looks.

I know you didn’t ask for advice, but I’d stick with vagina. Once she’s old enough to get more detailed you can go into the definitions of vulva, vagina, labia, canals and so forth.

I got off easy. I just had to teach the word penis. (Well, there are testicles but I don’t think they were nearly as fascinating since he didn’t ask what they were called.)

And please, no yoni. I don’t know how you pronounce it, but in my head it’s the same as Yanni and no girl needs to grow up with the connection between her vulva and that guy. It could screw up sex for her forever!!

I never use “vulva”, it’s one of my least favorite words. If I had to get technical, then I would. But it just never comes up (atleast not for me) in everyday conversation. There are quite a few non-vulva owners, who arent sure exactly what a vulva is, or even that it’s part of the female anatomy. However, most people including children above 12, have a pretty good idea what a vagina is, even if it’s not the proper term for what they’re thinking about, the location is close enough.

Hair Stick or hairsticks are what they’re called by every store, or website that I’ve seen them sold at. Which is probably a good thing. I once saw a heavily jeweled pair being sold on ebay as Fancy Chopsticks.

OMG, those things are PUPPETS. Do you actually make them talk??? Sorry, talking thru a vulva is just too funny. :eek:

I’m guessing you’d pass on “Dirty no-no place.”

And that’s what the people who made this movie thought, too!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

If a woman’s vagina looks like those things, she should definitely see a doctor. :shudders:

Picture Rocky addressing the joint in his knee “Yo, knee!” That’s how you say it.

innocent look Me? I don’t do nothin’. :smiley: But the goddess Baubo had no head, and talked out of her…yoni.

Mmmm…yeah. :smiley:

Great Yoni, I don’t think I’ve ever quite so thoroughly hijacked a thread!

I dunno about that, I’ve probably spoken quite a bit through them in my life. Usually along the liines of " oh god, oooooh god, oh my god, mmmmmmm. "

And so on.

Then again, I really love “kissin’ The Puppet” as it will now be known as around here.

Shellibean posted:

And please, no yoni. I don’t know how you pronounce it, but in my head it’s the same as Yanni and no girl needs to grow up with the connection between her vulva and that guy. It could screw up sex for her forever!!

Good. I’m not the only one to make that connection. Yeek.

And every time I see an ad for the Toyota Yaris I have to remind myself: "No, Carl. Yaris, NOT Yoni.

I’ve been waiting since there were no replies for someone to say, ‘I’m motherfuckin’ sick of these motherfuckin’ vaginas on motherfuckin’ sticks!’

Well, my vocal coach wanted me to sing through my diaphram.