Veronica Mars 11-14-06 (unboxed spoilers)

Hooray! Logan to the rescue…again! Forgive him, V…you can’t stay mad at a boy who’s saved your life, your hair, your virtue or your health on three separate occasions.

Now with that out of the way, I don’t understand the Fitzpatrick/Van Lowe storyline at all. Most especially, I don’t understand why Keith seems so completely unconcerned about Kendall’s murder.

I also don’t understand where Mac is attending college, because she for sure doesn’t seem to be attending Hearst. Maybe she went as Weevil’s date to his uncle’s wedding.

I wish we’d had computerized schedules when I was a college radio dj. Back then we were lucky if they were on paper.

The person who switched off Veronica’s car alarm and (began to) shave her head didn’t have the build of a woman. Which proves nothing, of course.

I’m guessing the drug was placed in her drink when she went to get a hairless entree.
Did somebody mention working at food service??? I I could be misremembering.


Man, we’ve become so used to bad food at school that when we find hairs in it, we pick them out and keep eating. :eek:

Okay, I’ve only seen about 5 episodes of this show (the last five for those who haven’t guessed) and is there some reason I should like Logan? From everything I’ve seen he looks like a total douchebag.

Well he is a giant douchebag, though one who started as the world’s greatest douchebag and over time became merely a giant one. He’s a bad person who’s trying to change and often has relapses, especially when around his old friends.

BTW, I can’t strongly recommend the first two seasons enough. I didn’t watch the show at all myself until about two months ago when I stumbled onto the first season box set on sale for $20. Brilliant stuff and so far I like the first two seasons better, though this one is far from awful.

Yeah, I’m confused as well. I just started watching about 3 episodes ago after some friends kept telling me how great the first two seasons were. I really dig the show, but Logan seems like a total douche - I mean King Douche - why is Veronica with him? Is he more likeable in the first two seasons or something?

I agree that the writers either need to “fix” Logan, or . . . and I’m hoping this is the case . . . he’s gonna turn out to really BE king douche. I like the show way more when his douchiness is a major part of the story line. His bit this season is not working for me.

Speaking of not working for me, what the holy fuck happened to Weevil? Not that he was in this episode; I keep meaning to bring this up. He gained 900 pounds and caught a case of Harkonen disease. W. T. F?

OK, granted, Logan is a total douche…

…but he’s a victimized, wounded orphaned puppy dog douche, and that’s TOTALLY HAWT!

Totally, totally hot.

Especially in college.


OK, maybe I shouldn’t quit therapy just yet.

(Seriously, Veronica has a bad case of the “gotta-help-hims”, and Logan is her Exhibit A. She’s drawn to him like a moth to a flame, and it’s only going to end badly. Probably, he actually will redeem himself, but she’ll finally clue in (too late), push him away, and it’ll spin him right back into douchosity. But, y’know, he’s hot.)

Logan comes through when it really counts.

[spoiler]During the first season, Logan saved Veronica from assault or worse at the hands of the Lion King. It later turned out the Lion King wasn’t going to hurt her, but Veronica and Logan both thought he was, and he prevented what they both thought was about to happen.

And in the second season, Logan drew a gun on the Fitzpatricks to save Veronica from just the sort of thing she endured in the Irish bar you saw last night.

And at the very end of the second season, Logan saved Veronica from murder.[/spoiler]

So, Logan is a good boy at heart. And he and Veronica have the witty banter, which every relationship needs more of.

We discussed this in last week’s thread, but Francis Capra (Weevil) hurt his leg this summer, had to go on some medication for it, and it’s caused him to gain weight and have skin problems. He’s getting better and should be back in shape before too long.

I think Tina Majorino is off filming the second season of Big Love. She made sure she would have time to do that before signing as a regular this year.

I love Logan. Sure he has his douchebag tendencies, but he has a huge amount of baggage that contributes to it. He’s much better than he used to be! Dating Veronica is no picnic either.

I suspect the RA (Moe?) is the rapist. He’s always around, constantly offers people tea, and they made a point last night of telling us that he has a key to every room in the dorm. He therefore can gain access to girls’ rooms and plant evidence wherever necessary.

If I were Veronica, I would take the FBI internship. I wouldn’t care why the professor might be offering it to me and she clearly belongs in a program like that.

Logan’s father was abusive and psychotic, his mother killed herself and his girlfriend was violently murdered, so there’s a bit of an explanation for him being a jerk. It’s amazing that he isn’t much worse than he is.

Logan was a great source of dark, cynical humor in the first two seasons. You could never tell when he was being sincere and when he was scheming. He used to alternate between being the victim and being the perpetrator, but this season he seems to be mostly the victim.

I wouldn’t say that. Even reprehensible individuals can occasionally step in to help someone, especially someone that they care about.

He’s a flawed individual with some good points, but I wouldn’t call him a “good boy at heart.”

We’ve seen him have real crises of conscience, and he usually makes the correct call. He’s flawed, but I think they’ve made it clear he’s basically good.

I still don’t believe that.

Did I miss something? Do we know for sure Kendall was murdered? or is that an assumption we are making based on, I’m guessing, the only episode I missed this season? I thought she gave Keith the suitcase containing the valuable painting for safe keeping and then skipped town. I am going to have to re watch the first few eps of the season very carefully
So obvious V’s drink was going to be spike when she got up with her pasta and the camera stayed on the soda cup for a beat or two. :rolleyes:
She should write the perfect murder essay AND take the internship. She’s super student! (trumpet fanfare in background)

Well, in the first episode this season Keith bought Conor Fitzpatrick to a cabin, ostensibly so he and Kendall could get away together. As Keith is leaving he has a thought, turns back, and sees Conor fire 2 bullets offscreen, presumably straight into Kendall. We never saw a body but barring some twist we have to assume Kendall is dead.

Exceptionally dumb move by Roni at the end there. She knew she had been roofied–she says as much as she’s stumbling towards her car–but instead of staying in the food court, where she was surrounded by people and undoubtedly would get help when she collapsed, she immediately got up and trotted off to the dark, unpeopled parking garage. Good for the drama, but makes no sense in real life terms.

So Logan rescued her before she could be raped, but she still lost part of her mane. Does this imply that, in each of the “rape” cases, the head was shaved before any sexual assault took place? Because that, combined with the aforementioned lack of physical evidence (no physical trauma revealed by examination, I presume), plus the at least one phony rape–all of this lends strong creedence to the notion that there have been no actual rapes. I’m not sure yet what the game is if that’s the case, but it feels like that’s the way this storyline is turning out.

I’m very hazy on the Keith-Harmony thing. In fact, I kinda tuned out their last encounter. Keith rejected the idea of going away with her, but did he in fact break it off entirely? I think he said as much later, but did he really follow through with that? I don’t know what Vinnie is thinking, blackmailing Keith. He must think Keith somehow got a lot of Liam’s money from Kendall, but he should know Keith better than that by now. He’s trying to drink from a dry well there.

What possessed Veronica not to call for help before chasing that girl into the River Stix? Did she think Liam might be away at his summer home? Not a good move.

For those who’ve been struggling with their feelings about Logan: he’s definitely a dick, but he grows on you. I jumped in around the beginning of last season, and it took me roughly half the episodes before I started liking Logan. He can be a colossal asshole, but he’s also sharp, funny and weirdly fair and honorable. And a thorough examination shows that, usually, he’s on the right side of things (though it’s often obscured by his character and personality tics). Plus Jason Dohring is probably the best actor in the cast. Don’t get too down on Logan.

Back to last night: Veronica belongs in Quantico, no doubt about that. I believe her Prof. when he indicates (if not actually says) that he doesn’t really give a shit what she saw at the hotel. Because let’s face it, she didn’t really see much of anything (or anything that’s rock solid incriminating, at least). I agree that she should take the internship, quid pro quo or no.

No Wallace, no Mac, no Weevil, no Parker (not necessarily a big absence). That’s another episode where about half the credited cast did not appear. I know I harp on this, but it really sucks, and drags down the show.

By the way, who played the out of town girlfriend? I’ve seen that chick before, but can’t place her. Anyone know?

All in all, a good episode.

IMDB is no help - they only list Vinnie in the episode cast (non regulars)

Actually, the impression I got was that Veronica just thought she had a headache at first. She didn’t realize she had actually been roofied until she was already in the garage- that’s when she starts thinking, “I can’t believe this is happening again.” At that point, the safest and smartest thing to do would be to get to her car and lock herself in, which is exactly what she tried to do.

Amanda Walsh, a former MuchMusic VJ.