Very Superstitious-A Hockey Mojo MMP

Since I’m on my hockey vacation, I’d thought I share some of my hockey good luck rituals. I always wear my lucky socks on game day. If it’s the playoffs, I don’t wash them until the Canes lose. I keep my left shoe untied, and I always have pork on game day(usually a Baconator from Wendy’s). My car flags only go up when I’m on the way to the arena, and stay up till next day. In my section, if the Canes are losing, my friend C stands in the breezeway, and I’m not allowed to sit in my seat. A GIANT hockey superstition is that no one is allowed to say the word " shutout" until the game ends. I also once offered to sacrifice Lucretia D. Hellcatt for a goal. What are your good luck rituals?*

*It’s only a superstition if it doesn’t work.

Oh, look, it’s an invitation.

(Pause to imagine lovely (ahem) graphics such as these.)
In the Ninja Kitchen, with the MMP**

A baby shower in honor of:
Lissla Lissar (and the whole Lissar family, of course)

When: The whole week
Where: In this thread, of course.
Hosted by: The Cool Kids of the Monday Morning Post

Please RSVP: Early and often

Lissla is registered at: The SDMB
P.S. to other pregnant Dopers: Feel free to drop by and let us know you’re expecting, too.
So, we’ve heard that LiLi is tired of being pregnant. What food and entertainment can we come up with until that baby decides to arrive?

Let’s dispense with the tasteful baby shower games :eek:and go straight to the food: I brought cake.
For entertainment, here’s a start:

Video recommendations:
With music And more music.

With laughter- (and, one hopes, labor-) inducing qualities

With promise of making you know what you should know

With Doper recommendations - this one has weird cats and later, the cool sand animation video

With obligatory flash mob - a smallish one, but still…what a fun school!

With recommendation from the honoree.

So, who’ll be the first to arrive?


Not too many now, but when I was a kid I always had to hold my breath at midnight until the clock said 12:01. I also always say a certain Jewish prayer as the plane takes off, over and over, despite being an atheist.

Me! Come out, kid, we’re all waiting for ya.

What a cute idea! We want baby!
Sparking off of Dogbutler’s, a Jewish superstition is no baby showers until after baby comes. Asking for trouble and all that.

I’ve asked for this to be combined with doggio’s so that we don’t get completely confused.

Yeah… I thought about superstitions before posting. Decided that this would be more of a “get here, baby” thread, what with it being virtual and all… And being prone to hijacking as well…

Hmmm…don’t really have any good-luck rituals I can think of. And Friday the 13th seems to be a lucky day for me since I started at my place of employment on a Friday the 13th.

Oh, I was just being inclusive. :slight_smile: I’m not superstitious about that at all. I think this is a great idea!

Fun! Go baby go!

I merged two threads, so if the continuity makes less sense than usual … um, how would you tell?

Ha ha. :smiley:

Maybe I’m speaking out of turn, but would anyone mind if GardenTraveler’s was up first with her title, so that LiLi could see it was for her?

TNC 2.0, come out, come out, where ever you are!

twickster, if an MMP ever makes sense to someone, I want a hit off of whatever that person is smoking.:cool::wink:

I don’t think I’m superstitious, but I sometimes think I’m cursed. Cousin and I used to (when I was more mobile) see a play/musical a month. Either we’d take pot luck off the TKTS booth in Times Square, or we’d go to the box offices and buy each other birthday or Hannukah gifts. For two years running, (here comes the cursed part) any show I saw closed within two weeks of my being in the audience.

I am not at all superstitious, knock on wood. :slight_smile:

A lot of mine are motorcycle related. I worked at a Harley shop back when the “folded wings” patch became “officially” available.
We got a dozen and they all sold the first week. Within 2 months, every last person who had put them on there riding clothes had had a major accident. Two had been killed. Right then and there they became “broken wings” and major bad juju as far as I’m concerned. Never wore one and never will. I also avoid the skulls that are so popular with the lower jaw missing. Too much like asking for fate to hand you a busted face. But since I’ve had a few accidents anyway ------- I guess no plan is perfect.

Don’t know if it fits but I never say “goodbye”. Always “later” or “by” or “bugger off” or something. Goodbye is what you say to the dead until the next world - and I hope to see most everyone a time or two before that comes to pass. If I said “goodbye”, to me, it would feel like I was saying “you’re dead to me” and that bone just never developed in me at all. It doesn’t bother me to have other folks say it though.

A two-fer? I can do this!

I’ll bring the Little One a hard copy of the Mumpers section of the photo album! If that doesn’t bring on the contractions, nothing will! :smiley:

Dang, you must wash your socks really often! :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

And ya think he’s really listening? (It isSh’ma Israel,” right…?)

To add to that, you never say “Mazal Tov” (congratulations) on hearing that a woman is pregnant – for the same reason.

Is it just me, or does this one make more sense than usual, so far…? :confused: :eek:

This weekend I was MIA because of the boy’s Bar Mitzvah. He performed with flying colors! (of course!!) :slight_smile: And tomorrow I get to spend most of the day in airplanes (with about 7 hours of work on-site in Holland sandwiched in between the flights… :rolleyes:.) Joy.

Clean-up from last week – (very :o) belated HAPPY NAVA DAY!!!

Is this the reason we sometimes get simulMMPs, to get the mods to come in and play? Do we want Gnat2 to be a mod? Will the Dope last around long enough for Gnat2 to be a mod?

Orf to do laundry, then count subtitles. Thank Og for spreadsheets!

ETA: didn’t the fusion mariachis I got in the mail count, Nooner?

They didn’t start off their piece by saying “Uno, Dos, Tres…” did they? So, no – they didn’t count! :slight_smile:

No comments yet, I still have a headache. :frowning:

I think you caught mine, Sticky. :frowning: