I have 200+ vinyl records to find new homes for and no idea where to start! There is everything from an autographed Flying L Quartet album to Elvis and Johnny Cash to the United States Air Force band. Any ideas?
Greenwich Village in Manhattan has about 15-20 competing vinyl record collectors’ stores that will buy any you have that they regard as collectible and/or in good-to-excellent condition with a decent likelihood of being popular enough to sell. Where are you at?
Behind the preposition.
St. Louis—most of the records’s are in good condition, some are borderline. I called a couple of record stores here and there wasn’t much interest, they seem to be looking for the more popular, mainstream music. These are records that my gran’ma has been collecting over the last 40 years.
There’s always E-bay.
I want the J. Cash album for my wife’s christmas present. Please email me if you would be so kind! gatopescado@webtv.net Use “Cash record” or something like that for a subject line, so I don’t mistake it for spam.
Put em up on ebay! Just specify buyer pays shipping and you should do alright.
You doblt have to find new homes for them . . . Restoration Hardware sells 3-speed record players . . .
I bought a box of 45 rpm jazz singles at an estate sale, all in perfect condition, but there isn’t much of a market on ebay for them unless they are truly rarities. So I’m stuck with them.
I’ll take 'em. I have friends in St. Louis if you just want a place to dump them. Email for instructions.
If you have classical LP’s, consider donating them to WKCR, Columbia University’s student-run radio station. We’re always looking for rare and interesting recordings to play on the greater New York City airwaves. Check out our website for more information.
I was shocked to see that Bed Bath and Beyond sells record players. My girlfriend made me go. I’m still masculine. Right?!
If there are any Beatles, I would like them for the Psychogirlfriends Christmas/Birthday presents. Im serious. Dead serious.
MissB…Take your albums to a Record Show
Most of the major Shows have auctions where you can set a
minimum bid so you won’t feel like you got ripped-off.Before you
decide to auction off all 200,ask the event co-ordinator to refer
you to a reputable person to take a peak at your collection to
see if you might have something rare.To get a listing of Record
Shows in your area,buy a copy of Goldmine or Discoveries
Magazines.Large cities usually have monthly shows.
Oh, sure, Mott, have’er go get a lot of money for them when we’re only willing to pay a couple bucks!
Seriously, I’ll have to tell my wife of this thread … she’s always looking for more records.
Thank you all! I would keep them but Gran wants the $$$ and she says that we have to buy them just like everybody else!
I have emailed those of you with specific interest and I am definitely going to check out the Record Shows (I disn’t even know they HAD those!) She called me today and we missed another box that she had in the basement so that should take her total up to at least 300!
I sold a hundred or so at a garage sale. Didn’t even have them out, this guy was just trolling for vinyl. Took the money, bought some pear nectar and a new hat.
Call Vintage Vinyl, down in the U. City Loop. If they don’t want them, odds are they’ll know someone who does.