Voluntary MMP - the noob part 2

I watched “Unsinkable Molly Brown” over the weekend - of all songs to be stuck in my head - “Colorado, My Home”. My brain needs scrubbing

lieu, the lack of a commute is definitely nice. And my commute wasn’t all that bad - 24 miles, 2 lights, 2 stop signs, one toll plaza between home and work. But that’s a plus. Lack of office politics is also nice. To me, my job was go in, do what had to be done, go home. I had no desire to advance into management, so I had no time for the games. Unfortunately, I was still affected by others and their inanity on occasion.

Other nice things:
[li]Grocery shopping during the day - it’s almost pleasant![/li][li]Hanging laundry out on the line - I do love air-dried clothes![/li][li]Time to cook rather than throwing something together at the end of a work day.[/li][li]Flexibility. If I don’t get to it today, there’s tomorrow…[/li][/ul]

Not so nice things: I miss some of my coworkers. I also miss adult interaction during the day. And, because of the nature of my job, I miss knowing the news behind the news. That’s a bigger deal than I’d expected.

But all in all, I think I like it. And in 2 weeks when I can take a class during the day, I think I’ll like it even more! :smiley:

The MMP is just about all I come to the 'Dope for any more. Mostly because I don’t have much time for surfing the 'net, but also because it’s nice here and I like having online friends.

We had a pretty quiet weekend. I did bike about 17 miles yesterday so felt justified in a burger and fries at Smashburger. Their rosemary olive oil fries are awesome. Friday, I made Smitten Kitchen’s one-bowl chocolate cake. That’s some good stuff too. It might need some ginger in it though. To take it in the direction of Haze’s lesbian chocolate gingerbread. 'Cause that’s good stuff too.

I also updated my knitting pictures. Everything on the first page is new. (If it looks familiar, it’s because I’ve made two of those blankets before, same patterns and same colors.)

Can’t belive Monday is over! Yay!

But I got sucked into a conf call at 5.15…boooooo. I hate dealing with people who don’t do their job.

Glad you’re back at work, rosie. Hope other options present themselves.

Today’s Wall Street Journal tells me you live in an area that is growing breweries, Spaz.

Sorry about the heat and lack of rain lieu. Why don’t we have a nick for you, BTW?
I also don’t read much more than the MMP. I’ll read the newest subjects in MPSIMS and possibly stop into a thread or two there, occassionally read Cafe Society and very occasionally scan through most of the forums just to see what I’m missing. Almost every time I wander into the Pit I remember why I don’t do that regularly.

But it is really nice to have a bunch of online friends.

Home after a long, but rather productive day. Tired.

Am postponing walk until I’ve taken a bit of a nap.

Hugs all.


Howdy Y’all! I got taken out to dindin to the good Eyetalian place. Plus I have leftover chikin marsala for N.O.L. tomorrow. YAY!!!

Wolf welcome! Blue welcome! We’re pretty nice. Sometimes donkeybear gets a little waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay tmi but we’re good with that. :smiley: I, on the other hand, am the soul of decorum and taste.

Admit it - you all come here because of me. Don’t be ashamed - I’m used to having groupies.


And on that note, I’m logging off for the night. It’s supposed to be really cool over night, so the windows are open already. I’m counting on good sleeping, and I may get an early start.

Ha! Bring it! Although, I would probably start the MMP with a recipe I developed a couple weeks ago. Greek Chicken Koftkas (for when you don’t have the time to make Souvlaki!) Mmmmmmmmmm :slight_smile:

I’m here late.
I got up late to go to the pool, (water aerobics 5 times this week :eek:) so I skipped brekkie. BAD idea. I didn’t do my best in the deep water.
I was starving when I got home, so hubby took me out to lunch. While I was in the bathroom, he ordered me a half carafe of wine (red, for my health :dubious:) AND I drank it.
I just woke up from THAT nap.

Can we get an official list of nicknames? I’m drowning here, apparently.

Taxi, I am legitimately confused at how you were able to knit that wavy pattern. If only I could get on Ravelry from work!

MOOOOOOM, I enjoy not having to pay to run a dryer, but line-dried clothes get so crunchy! :confused:

swampy, I am a perfect little angel, just an angel who [TMI statement #42555 not found. ERROR]

Work A went just fine, work B is underway. I realized that since I get a 2.5-3 hour break for dinner, I can take advantage of the downstairs, 24-hour fitness center that I never use because it’s so small and out-of-the-way, and I didn’t realize until last week that it has a shower. :smack:

Gotta get back on that horse, even if my shoulder does hurt practically all the time. Got on my fancy body-fat scale today and made this face: :eek::mad::o:(

I’m in basically the best shape I’ve ever been in, but that doesn’t mean much, historically. I keep track of pant sizes by what grade I was in when I wore them. I’m currently revisiting 7th/8th grade (although wearing shirts 2 sizes smaller), and I think I’d like to get back down to my elementary school size. A 32 would do it.

that is a perfectly reasonable OP for the MMP; in fact, we have a mumper’s recipe blog (I don’t have the link handy, but I’m sure Mooom or swampy or gt does.)

Ohhh, that sounds yummy, Orange or Windup or whatever your nickname may turn out to be. (Sometimes it takes time.) Blog link and MMP reservations are in my signature. I almost never turn the sig on, but you can click on my profile to get to it. I also have a a link to suggested topics in case someone wants to start us off on any given Monday but doesn’t have an idea. It must be noted, however, that having an idea isn’t strictly necessary. Also, depending on who’s up, the MMP has been known to start late Sunday night (cuz, hey, it’s Monday somewhere, by then, right?) Also, Monday is very roughly defined by U.S. Eastern Time as our founder resides in that time zone. And…I’m signing you up for next week. Because I can. Bwahahahahahahahahahha! :smiley:

donkeybear - I think the key is to remember/recognize your own nickname(s) and not worry about others. Most of the time, context clears things right up. And if it really doesn’t, then, just ask.

Nice job with the knitting, taxi.

Car gripe of the day: Not mine, but Local Best Friend’s. She started having major brake issues over the weekend and took her car in to the dealer today. They told her that the brakes are wearing out faster than normal because she doesn’t drive continuously for an hour at any point in the week. She has a 20-minute commute each way every weekday. About 1/2 of it is city driving, so she’s using her brakes quite a bit. Not really sure what the once-a-week hour of continuous driving is going to get her (other than a car that requires MORE service and part replacement). She hasn’t been happy with the dealer for other reasons, so we’re thinking this is a crock. Opinions?

I’ve been for a walk and am just vegging now. Should really be retiring for the evening.

Hugs all.


Well, I call dibs on the one after that! :smiley:

In other news, I plan to get up and go see my Doc tomorrow. I am having, shall we say, girly problems.

i ducked out of work early, and got sucked into reorganizing the living room. I love my roommate:D. Tomorrow is laundry and more OCD organizing. Roomie has fallen in love with Rod the Roomba. I also got my Atari 2600 running, and my PC’s TV tuner going. I am in nerdvana.

gt, crock. Oil is another story entirely.

Welcome Orange!!!

FCM, of course I’m your groupie**, who else’s art besides my own is in my place

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’ YAWN ‘Tis 73 Amurrkin out with a predicted high of 97. Hawt and Hyooooooomid! Thus is summer weather down heah. We did get some rain last night. Matter of fact it was rainin’ at the time of my last post.

Woohoo! The next two MMPs have been claimed. :cool:

Yes donkeybear you are just the perfect hell’s angel.

gt I say crock. I’ve never heard that and I don’t do at least an hour of continous drivin’ at any point durin’ the week usually. If’n I go to the hinterlands of the territory we serve maybe but even then there’s some stop and go cuz none of my drivin’ is strictly on interstate or any other road where there’s no traffic lights, stop signs etc. Speakin’ of car stuff, I changed the air filter in both twuck and 'Stang yestiddy. I felt all butch and manly. :smiley:

Ok, now I go in search of more caffiene and brekkie for rumbly tummy. Then, alas, irk purtification must commence.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

Thanks to Scruffy The Evil, I’m up way too early. It’s a glorious 57°F in Southern Merrylande, and I’m so glad I left all the windows open last night. Of course, because it was cool, Taz assumed his sleeping position in the blanket valley between my legs while I was sleeping, so when I woke up, my legs were trapped. Sneaky booger!

Anyway, gt, that dealer is so full of crap, I can smell it from here. LBF needs to find a good local mechanic who will speak the truth. They do exist- I have one. Too bad you’re so far away… I’ve had more bad experiences with dealers than with locals.

**doggio **- you are truly one of my loyalest groupies! And somewhere in the stuff I brought home from my cubicle is my original **doggio **cartoon. If I ever get that stuff organized, it’ll go up at this desk. :wink:

Plans for today include finishing with the white paint in the basement. A few walls need a third coat, then all of the trim around the doors needs to be done. Then I quit. Oh, except for a load of unders that needs to go in the washer. **donkeybear **- you’re a wuss! The texture of line-dried clothes lets you know you’re alive!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

OK, off to toss a load of dirties into the washer! Happy Tuesday!


gt, since no one else has stepped up to say anything, the dealer is full of shit.

I’m contemplating yet another NC run, seein’ how Hurrican Irene may well hit Cottonfield County. Whether I go or not depends on how hard the storm hits the area, and reports from Neighbor Doug and CindyTheFlake of any damage to my house. :low grumble:

I’ve not mentioned this at all, but I will now, because there appears to be a happy ending on the horizon. When we go to Indiana, we usually stay with friends who have dogs so we can take ours. To make this short, we had a dogfight between Loki and the friend’s male, and in the process of breaking up the fight, Loki bit our hostess above the knee. I treated it the best I could, but it became infected, and required surgical drainage.

The surgery was last Thursday. It was an outpatient procedure to drain the wound, and she spent more time recovering from anesthesia than undergoing the procedure itself. At the same time, our hostess’ adult daughter gets on Facebook, high on recreational outrage and devoid of facts, threatens to have both our dogs taken and put down, sue us for negligence, and all sorts of other crap. VWife, who has not a lick of logical thought in her brain circuitry, was an immediate basket case. I spent the weekend telling her that daughter does not have legal standing to do anything she threatened because she was not there at the time (witness), was not hurt (victim), nor has any financial stake (ie, pays any of the insurance bills) in the matter.

Well, hostess finally called yesterday. VWife talked to her for a half hour, most of the time sobbing. Hostess had just heard what her daughter did on FB, and appalled was the low end of what she thought of her offspring. We were assured that this wasn’t going anywhere that she had control of; I countered that we had all kinds of coverage and would not fight anything should circumstances dictate. VWife is now slowly calming down.

I forsee a momma smackdown coming. Daughter deserves it.

Dang, BBBobbio, you can’t do anything boring, can you? Sounds like your friend’s daughter is a real piece of work.

I had the leftover french toast casserole for breakfast, and I’m caffeinated. When I tossed the laundry in, I opened the basement so we’d get some fresh air down there - it should help when I go to paint. Which I will. Eventually…

Looks like the secret to refattening Taz is wet food morning and evening. He hasn’t been eating the dry stuff and he’s gotten so thin. So it looks like a trek to WalMart is on tap for more cat food. Maybe tomorrow. I’m busy today. Or I will be, when I get out of my robe and slippers and into work clothes. Eventually…


Yeah, office politics, is that not the most childish, annoying, ridiculous distraction ever. Fortunately we’ve almost none of it here, which is in large part why I’ve stayed with this gig for 11 years now. Have seen plenty of it in the past though and even if you refuse to participate, it’s still a malady beyond compare.

As I drive to and from work and occasionally across the state I’m awestruck by the hundreds of thousands if not millions of tress I see distressed or outright dead. Add to that the realization more will continue to decline for probably up to another 4 or 5 years because of this and there’s no other descriptor for it other than ‘tragedy.’ As a fellow gardener to yourself, you’ll understand that a realization of the loss and the decades it’ll take to recover are simply beyond sad. I never have, nor do I hope to again, ever see anything like it.

On a lighter note though… happy Tuesday! Anybody got cake?

Hi Orange!! ( looks like we’re going with this one)

Glad things are Calming down, BBBobbio.

Lieu, I have cake. Here, have some!! gives cake

Waiting on Hold so I can make appt with my Doc, or see if she will take a walk in today. Blurf.