Waiting for Harry Potter...

Ok, I could be going out on a limb here… but…

I am a Harry Potter fan.

And, I am having withdrawal from not having any new material in over a year.

I know that “order of the phoenix” is going to be released here in june or july, but that is at least a month away. :eek:

Does anyone else have this problem?

BTW has anyone read any of the internet fake editions? curious

Actually it’s June 21, precisely.

I have nothing else to add. I’m not a fan. I’m BookstoreGirl.

And we love you for it, bete.

Ju21 21. That’s about 6 1/2 weeks from now.

You’ve lasted 3 years…you can make it to the end.

Where do you get the ‘not having any new material in over a year’ stuff?

When is it released in the UK?

Same day afaik… Ordered the half price one off Amazon.co.uk :smiley:

Is Waiting for Harry Potter anything like Waiting for Godot?


No, it’s more like Waiting for Guffman.

Have you read Barry Trotter, the parody? It’s the first parody I’ve read so I don’t know how it compares with others, if it’s good, but it might soothe you a bit, until the real thing comes along.

Are you open to suggestions for other fantasy stories about young people who discover strengths in themselves, and who have adventures and acquire interesting and unusual friends, and enemies? Summerland by Michael Chabon is helping me endure the wait. It has baseball too.

I am patiently waiting too. That week in June, when it comes out, I am going to stay away from any internet sites that might have spoilers. I haven’t pre-ordered, I think I’ll be one of those loons waiting at my bookstore at midnight for it to be released.

I’ve got a hold on it at my local library. Of course, when I placed my hold, I was 85th in the queue. I figure I’ll be reading it in August (unless I gather the funds to actually purchase a copy.)

Yep, I’m counting the days, too, and I’ll be in line with all the little kiddies at midnight.

In the meantime, phraser, I’m feeding my hunger for anything Harry Potter over at Yahoo’s “Harry Potter for Grownups.”

These people discuss and analyze and then re-analyze every facet of the first 4 books, and speculate wildly on where the series is going. Some of it is just stupid, and some of it is really neat (such as the Harry-Potter-is-the-living-Philosopher’s-Stone theory), but it’s all fun. And it’s pretty well moderated, too, so almost all the content is readable and well-written.

So you might try that to get you through these long, long days. :smiley:

Should we have a time limit on posting about HP5, maybe to give everyone a chance to read it?

How about we don’t post anything until June 28? Do I need to start a thread about that?

phraser, I just finished Diana Wynne Jones’s The Merlin Conspiracy and it’s wonderful, just fabulous. Might help tide you over until the latest effusions of Rowling. Who hopefully had the book edited this time :wink:

If you’re buying it BTW, even though Borders and Bookworld say it won’t be discounted I’ve been told it will be discounted at Target and Kmart. I don’t normally buy from the big chains but in this case I can’t see myself paying full price. She’s already rich enough.

I’ve already read The Merlin Conspiracy, and have plentiful sci-fi/fantasy reading to keep me occupied…
I just can’t control my curiosity about what direction she is going to take the series in.

I haven’t read Barry Trotter, I will keep an eye out :slight_smile:

I am on the waiting list at my local Angus and Robinson… I don’t think I’ll be able to get in to Target or Kmart before it sells out and I want to be sure of getting a copy :slight_smile:

Surely the usual spoiler warning in the thread title would be fine?

That’s odd. I work at Borders and we’re really marketing the 40% off discount we’ll have for it.

I’m definitely going to be at Border’s at midnight. I have a few friends who are going to be there too, and since Border’s is making a party out of the event, I might even convince some non-fans to come.

W00t, I say… W00T!