I should have expected this - today’s the big travel day. Lots to do and lots will happen starting with our 75+ mile trek to Dulles International this afternoon. I woke early, which isn’t too much of a surprise, but I couldn’t fall back to sleep. My mind started churning over details: don’t forget to do this, make sure to remember that, don’t get on the wrong bus, don’t get off at the wrong hotel, don’t oversleep, don’t fret, don’t overthink it all…
So I’m up stupid early on a day I really could use the sleep. There’s really nothing I can do right now and there’s plenty of time before we have to leave. Stoopit brain, keeping me awake. This always seems to happen - waking up in a fretful panic when something big is on the agenda. Stoopit brain!!
So we get some quality time together before I log off. If there’s wifi in the airport, I might get to post before we board. And I’m sure everything will go fine. Meanwhile, I’m awake while the rest of the house sleeps.
Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’. YAWN 'Tis 74 Amurrkin out with a predicted high of 90 for the day. After the + hunnert temps the past few days, it’ll be downright chilly!
MOOOOOOM I’m the same way. My brain gets overstimulated when a big event is about to happen. You could roam around the house placin’ coasters everywhere so FCD has no excuse not to use one.
Ok, that’s all I got. Need more caffiene and rumbly tummy is hongry. Then, alas and alack irk purtification must commence. Alas, 'tis Moanday.
Believe it or not, swampy, he’s good about using a coaster, so there’s that. What he’s not very good at is cooking - I need to write him some notes. Maybe I’ll do that now.
I am just the same, mooooom - I usually have to go round the house a couple of times to make sure everything’s turned off and I’ve locked all the windows…and remembered to take the cats to the moggery.
I will be packing tomorrow for our week in Hungary as we leave on Wednesday morning. 'im indoors has gone off to work today and tomorrow in Welsh Wales (today is technically a holiday but he’s going in anyway). I have today off and a bonus day off tomorrow as we were given an extra holiday day by the Vice Chancellor in celebration of being university of the year. Payrise would have been nice, but I’ll take the extra day off instead.
So I am faffing about at home - realised just how much veg I’ve still got in the fridge so today I have cooked the beetroot which will go in the freezer, just got to work out what to do with all the rest of it before tomorrow night.
It’s finally cooled off in the high country. Now all of us mountain folk can quit complaining about temperatures in the low 90s while the rest of the Southern states laugh at us.
Have fun Moom! I’ll make sure this rowdy lot uses coasters while you’re gone.
Happy Moonday!
although today for me is a MOANday!
It looks to be a pretty day, 62 degrees now with a projected high of 80.
I was up most the night coughing and now I have to pee like a racehorse and some asshole is in the bathroom. I’m afraid to try to run downstairs.
My box broke and my cable is out so no TV. Since mom and her bf are down the ocean I told Sah-son we will switch mine with the one in the living room until Verizon gets here to switch it. If the HFH want the TV out there TFB.
I’m hoping they can just switch the box without coming in the house being as how the place looks like a dump.
Twenty six more days until closing. I have to contact the realtor and mortgage people, I haven’t heard from either of them and I want to make sure everything is progressing. The money hasn’t come out of my account yet for the appraisal, I haven’t heard anything about the repairs or the termite inspection.
The hormone therapy pills seem to be working YAY!. So much better than another surgery.
I know it sucks mightily to wake up too early when you have a busy day ahead but such is life most of the time.
Thank you for the song Swampy
Another “big day ahead, brain won’t relax” type over here. Got very little sleep, must attend in-person orientation for online class today after working. Back to my previous college routine with Mt. Dew as a food group, it looks like (sigh).
GT, dang if that cute puppy isn’t wearing goggles.
I met the carjack victim yesterday as I was out for a walk. Had a nice chat. Interestingly the Hou Chron ran a front page article yesterday about how Houston gangs have recognized the suburbs as gold mines and are travelling out there to commit their crimes where law enforcement doesn’t know them and then retreating back to the city to hide. The news was not encouraging.
I have TV again. I switched the boxes, now I have to call Verizon to bring a new one and hope they get it here before my mother comes back from the ocean.
I don’t wake up too early when I have a big day. I just don’t sleep until nearly time to get up, so I’m all blurry and tired, and will oversleep given half a chance.
It’s a classic British Bank Holiday today- grey and soggy, with nuttin’ much to do. I’m still in jammies and it’s after 2.30. It’s traditional.
Oh well, I’m feeling a bit washed out and like I might be coming down with something anyway, so maybe a day relaxin’ will be a good thing. Not that I’ve been exactly rushed off my feet lately.
Sitting in a sat truck in Richmond, VA for the week at the trial of the former governor. Easy work, really.
I had to come down yesterday to park the truck. Settled into the hotel last night, ordered room service and played games on the computer. As I was knocking off at 1am, I checked my security cameras at my house (they send video through the internet and one of the cameras is set to send me a text if it senses motion). Sure enough, baby possum was there sniffing out the Havahart trap I had set up before I left.
From a hundred fifty miles away I watched him figure how to get in to the bait, walk in, and proceed to eat all the food without tripping the latch. He is too light to set off the trap!
So as of now he’s still free and the bait is gone. Fun to watch though!