Want to be King of England? Apply within!

Tripolar finding a rusty knife in a puddle, and Oakminster knapping a hide scraper out of flint and having some crazy old nutter muttering into his whiskers in no way qualifies them for the throne. Their feeble blades are no match for the power of the dark side of my imagination. I have been ruling galactic empires (in my imagination conveniently enough) since the late seventies.

I was NOT overthrown, I stepped down to focus on family life for a bit and reconnect with my wife and kids

I am the ONLY qualified applicant.

My plans are to consolidate my rule and claim by eliminating all other contenders, and claimants, by means vile and violent or otherwise depending, advance all sciences related to travel through and conquest of space and other star systems, and equally more fully formalize and bring rigor to, metaphysical science with an eye to things like mild mind control, telekinesis, telepathy, emotional and mental discipline and control, better and more efficient use of biological processes and bio-feedback etc.

I may hire Frodo as an advisor or sycophant of some sort, he seems to have a decent head on his shoulders, for now.

I brought my own dessert, (and body guard) but thank you for the offer.

I’ll endorse Elendil’s Heir as monarch. Anyone who would have Sindarin spoken at the Pentecost service would be cool. Only problem might be he’d need a touch more ruthlessness.

I’d go for the job myself but I have no heirs and I’m too old to have children.

I love the following video

Being of German descent and having a major stick up my ass, I feel myself well-qualified to recreate the whole Queen Victoria thing - I am really good at the “benevolent dictator” thing except for the benevolent part. I have a proven history of being able to carry on the royal tradition of public piety and propriety combined with a private life of the grossest debauchery. Also, I like pie.

As my economic policies are based on the proven principles of free trade, economic expansion, and the ruthless exploitation of the Third World, I am sure I can expand both the material well-being of the upper classes and grinding poverty amid the masses. I will focus on improvements in sanitation, communication and transportation, and create greater opportunity in industry, technology, and child labor.

I will of course immediately repeal the Corn Laws, and if my consort dies, I promise to get over it in a few months instead of moping around for the rest of my life like a fucking killjoy. And child prostitution is right out.

I look forward to many years of despotic rule, scandal, infighting, sexual hypocrisy, and potato famines.

His Serene and Implacable Majesty Shodan, Ruler of the British Isles, Wales. Scotland, Most of the Economically Viable Parts of India, Various Obscure Duchys, Dukedoms, Random Islands, and With A Scheming Eye on Anywhere Else With Cheap Labor, Exploitable Natural Resources, Or Who Might Represent a Market for Goods and Services Produced By Starvation Wages, KCB, KGB, BYOB, LS/MFT, TGIF, etc.

I don’t need to be King, but can you pop me over along with the chosen Doper to serve as sniveling cronie, thanks much?

I really don’t care for England very much but seeing any of the English Dopers in command and control appeals to me.

I’m not sure I’d ever want to dis people that powerful, but I applaud your bravery.


Even though I am the leading contender for this position by divine right I will point out one of my policies as the rightful King of England is a tax of one ha’penny on all crumpets, bangers, stargazy pie, and every other abomination my people mistake for food yet are hopelessly addicted to despite the availability of actual culinary delights around the world. All revenue generated from such tax will be paid as tribute to Rhymer Enterprises without expectation of any consideration in return.

  • Finishes re-reading Top 100 Evil Overlord Mistakes*
    Shoots everyone else in thread with William Gibson style genetic seeking HE missiles
    Brings Key Lime Pie. With a good pastry crust, not that graham cracker abomination.
    Picks up remains of rusty butter knives smoking in corner and recycles them into something useful, like a footstool.
    Nukes France. Just 'cos. Nuke Belgium, just in case.
    Have a nice cuppa with a slice of pie while jauntily wearing crown

I think I’m just the one to tidy up Old Blighty for you. Britain has proven itself able to deal with strong female leaders (see Boadicea, Elizabeth I and II, Margaret Thatcher) and I’m certainly female, and if you ask the people who work for me, I can be …errr…strong.

Credentials? We don’t need no stinking credentials! (but I have them anyway). If you go far enough back in my maternal lineage, we are descendants of the Boleyn family (yes, that Boleyn), so, looked at with a squint in bad light, you could consider Liz the first and I as some type of cousins.

I’ve never drunk coffee in my life. Tea only, please, and plenty of it. Crumpets optional. Scones acceptable.

I hail from Chicagoland, hence am familiar with damp, grey, foggy weather. We call it spring.

I hold university degrees in Political Science and Economics, surely useful attributes in a potetial monarch. My original career aspiration was the diplomatic service, so my major concentrations were in International Relations and International Political Economy. Again, can one think of a better grounding for a monarch?

I speak, write and read several languages, and can sing in several more. Not sure how that factors in, but it’s interesting, yes? And being the monarch, I could sing whenever I wanted in whatever language I wanted and if my subjects didn’t like it, well off with their heads!

Now, how would I rule? As an American, I’m rather fond of participative democracy. Obviously it would need to be tweaked to allow the presence of an absolute monarch, but I’m willing to listen to what the peasants have to say and consider it, at least for a moment or two.

To advance the culture and reputation of the kingdom, I would abolish most forms of British food outright, or at least command that said victuals be presented in a more edible form. This is critical. Poorly fed people are cranky people (witness the Scots and Irish - have you seen some of the stuff those people eat?). Fat and happy people are more complacent and easier to rule. This would allow me to slice my securitibot budget, thus bringing happiness to Rhymer Enterprises as well as it would allow a greater share of the budget to be spent on the hookerbot business. It’s always wise to grease the hand that put one on the throne, doncha know.

I would engage in saber rattling rhetoric to make other countries believe I was just crazy enough to do damn near anything, so they would leave me alone to rule my little islands in peace lest I shoot off nukes in their direction because I didn’t care for the color of their socks that day.

That was my one and only killer idea for my candidacy for the Kingship, and now you’ve gone and stolen it. Plus you flaunt all these other qualifications, too. Thus has it always been, this brutal, backstabbing competition for the throne. So go ahead and be King. I don’t care any more. I’ll just sit here and get drunk.

But in the name of all that’s holy you have to carry through on this promise. I suggest you import several thousand snooty French chefs and install them in all the cities and villages in the kingdom, and order them to give these poor blighted sods something decent to eat.

I like the cut of your jib, young canid. Should I be successful in my application for kingship, I shall offer you a position in my cabinet as Minister of the Palate.

Sounds like a Vulcan. Spock’s great uncle. I think Skald meant to use the proper spelling of “sovern”.

Spotted Arthur Pendragon the other day he and the druids seem to have things under control so leave well alone

I find it commendable that Skald is soliciting volunteers. So that he has a good solid list of everyone to eliminate with great prejudice. Because anyone that wants the job is emphatically not qualified to hold it.

That only applies to chief executive of a major democracy. Monarchs have to want the guy.

I’m sure Aslan would disagree, but I’m a Neithist.

So, do when do you make a decision Skald?

BTW, I promise I’ll give 10 percent of all tax revenues to RhE in perpetuity with no strings attacked. When all else fails, resort to bribery!

Many thanks for your support; I assure you I can be ruthless when necessary.

[quote=“Baker, post:22, topic:743067”]

…I love the following video


Heh. That was good. “A race for the door”!

Oh, incidentally, if it makes any difference, I already know how to royally answer the phone: How does the Queen answer the phone? - The Straight Dope

I have not seen a single proposal for destroying Denmark and/oppressing the Finns in this thread. Are you all drunk?

That kind of thing just goes without saying.
