Watch as my virginity goes down the tubes

Yup, it finally happened. I was so proud of myself for never having a double-post. I had made it all the way from my birth on this board on Sep 23.

But, that darn “2 Truths/1 Lie” thread got me, and I am now a certified double-poster.

Have you voted for your favorite, huggable Mullinator today?

Oh, thank you God. It was with great trepidation that I opened this thread. I was expecting a story about you and Lauralee.

Yeah, and I can’t use my “I thought guys’ virginity went up someone’s tubes,” line. Thanks a lot.

We interrupt this thread to increase
dramatic tension.

Was even hoping for photos…

Thanks for nothing, Mully.

Move along folks. Nothing to see here.

I don’t have to do drugs to mess up my head. I went to Catholic school.

I thought it was a link for a live web cam.