We have a new smiley!

This new smiley was created through the combined efforts of Saltire and Devilman Palmer, and elected through the votes of you, the Teeming Millions. You can select it from the table next to the Message: entry box on the post reply screen, or you can type in :smack: and you will see this: :smack:

Many thanks to all the people who volunteered their time and efforts to give us a bunch of smilies to choose from in our first smiley vote.

P.S. Thank you to jdavis for adding the smiley to the vBulletin smiley list.

:smack: :smack: :smack: :smack: :smack: :smack: :smack:

Woo! New smiley!! I just noticed five minute ago when I made my first post in several days; I thought I was just being slow in noticing it. But it’s brand-new brand-new! And I’m the first member to use it! [sub]in this thread at least[/sub] Woo!

:smack: :smack: :smack: :smack: :smack: :smack: :smack:

Am I the first person ever to use a smiley before it was added?


Habemus smackam!


Sorry Mangetout, the new smack smiley was used long before you did.
see discussion here

If smiley’s and signatures were eliminated as options / features on the boards, would it have a (positive) effect on the server’s speed?

Smilie icons, I believe, get stored in your cache. Sigs are another matter.

Test post (not directed at you John)
Oh boy, let me try something else.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :smack: Ow! My eye!

Don’t know. It don’t see how it could make the board slower. But I don’t think the speed improvements would be enough to compensate for poster unhappiness at having those features removed.

Just like most kids, the novelty of our new toy will soon wear off.
Any plans for another vote later on? I know, I know–it’ll never end!


Smilies are one of the most hideous things to hit communication since “irregardless.” Nasty, repulsive things, that stop people from using language and allow them to use pictures instead. Right up there with USA TODAY using stupid little graphs to distort their point, and … [MMPHHH! :: cries as he is muffled and carried off to the Pit to continue this rant :: ]

Yes, in two or three months we will have another smiley submission period.