Web Hosting for Dummies

More specifically, ME :slight_smile:

Can anyone recomened a good cheap web hosting service for my bands new website? We just acquired a domain name and need somewhere to house it.

When I signed up for Homestead sometime back, they offered an option for a person to use their own domain name. As I recall, it was either free or very cheap.

Here ya go…

Good cheap web host for my new domain?


Good free webpage hosting?

Zev Steinhardt

OpalCat (I believe is still on vacation) has some web hosting available…email her and ask her what she has available. She recently purchased a new screaming server so you might be able to get some rates through her.

Another option would be http://www.halfpricehosting.com (they are not great but cheap) or http://www.readyhosting.com

Ready Hosting is pretty good, in my opinion, but you have pay for the full year up front.

Thanks guys. I will have a look. I appreciate it

Does anyone have any opinions on
http://www.1dollarhosting.com ?
Seems like the price is right.

and have been very happy. I think you get great bang for the buck with them.


Here’s a site that might help you find what you need…
