Oops. Belated this week.
New Action comics reveals the identities of the new Nightwing and Flamebird; Battle for the Cowl #1 seems pretty interesting.
Oops. Belated this week.
New Action comics reveals the identities of the new Nightwing and Flamebird; Battle for the Cowl #1 seems pretty interesting.
Never really read Batman titles, but picked up Battle for the Cowl on a whim. I understand that Damian isn’t supposed to be such a brat, but was still annoying. Seems odd that Batwoman and Batgirl were relegated to one tiny frame, yet Knight & Squire got several pages. Also looked like a slip where Tim refers to “Nightwing and Batgirl” where he probably means “Nightwing and Oracle”, since they then refer to Oracle the rest of the book and she hasn’t reclaimed the Batgirl ID yet.
I’m assuming that’s Jason Todd who’s all gun-crazy and now doomed to be drop-kicked by Dick, then?
I’m fairly pleased with who Nightwing turned out to be; I thought he was dropped too quickly from the Superman family. However, if that is the new Flamebird it makes the introduction of Karsta Wor-Ul as the “Third Kryptonian” even more random.
Over on R.E.B.E.L.S. #2 I still can’t figure out why Threeboot Braniac 5 is messing with the history of an ancestor of his paralell-universe counterpart, and sending Vril off after people who also are unrelated to the Threeboot.
Perhaps he mistakenly believed that his Earth was New Earth.
Or maybe he was bored.
Except that
Vril got sent after one of Dawnstar’s ancestors on Starhaven. Dawnstar doesn’t exist (that we know of) in the Threeboot continuity at the time Supergirl was there.
Boredom, I could believe of threeboot Brainy, though.
Heh. Just because that Legionnaire doesn’t exist doesn’t mean that her people don’t. Plus, we’re not sure if Vril is sent there by Querl, or if it’s part of his obstinate “I’ll do things my way” strategy.
I happened to run across Kyle Baker’s Special Forces - #4 (of 4). I completely missed #1 through #3 (as did all of my local friends who read comics). Is/was this title any good?
I’ve heard good things, but haven’t read it.