“So, how does it feel to have a closet full of wifebeaters, and no wife?”
“Have you given any thought to who you’re going to impregnate and leach off of next?”
I think this is Al’s best interview, ever! And K-Fed-ex is his best subject - the dead, slightly sour look on his face for most of the interview is perfect.
I saw that there was some sort of controversy over the Federline commercial. They show him working at a fast-food place, watching his old video, then getting chewed out by his boss, or something. Anyway, he seemed to be demonstrating a sense of humor about it. I have a hard time really wishing the guy any specific harm.
I agree, if the guy isn’t a prick and has a sense of humor about himself, why the disgust for him? Young good-looking guy, talented dancer, has a chance to marry one of the most famous singers on Earth, one who doesn’t mind him not having a job- who wouldn’t jump on that?
Of course it’s not real- it’s a Weird Al “interview” (notice how I put quotes around the word “interviews” in my OP? I forgot them in my title, however - my bad.)
In the realm of Giving Massive Benefit of the Doubt, maybe he factored in that if he married Britney and made a bid for his own stardom, he’d be able to support the previous child better than he would as a nobody.
Sad to admit that I know this, but I do so so here goes: it is actually children that he has with his ex-girlfriend. She was pregnant with their second child when he became involved with Britney Spears.
Slight hijack here, but can anyone tell why K-Fed continually refers to himself as “The Pancake Man”? I started looking through his lyrics, mostly due to morbid curiosity, and noticed that he frequently refers to himself this way.
I didn’t look, but I fully expect he references himself being “stacked” and probably has a line about his “international house”.
While I’ll agree with the rest of the world and say K-Fed is a talentless asshat, in this “interview” Weird Al comes off as pretty abrasive and annoying. I found him funny when I was 14, not so much anymore. YMMV.
I saw an interview where they asked him about the whole ‘Pancake Man’ thing. He laughed and said he couldn’t answer, because his kids don’t need to know about that.
So I really have no idea. Urban Dictionary switches between a gang member that switches to the rival gang, a gay guy, and delicious breakfast foods.
Weird Al: “So do you agree that you are the biggest douche, ever?”
KFed: “Ever!”
Hey, he’s been known to lurk here. Don’t hurt his feelings.
I still think he’s funny. My brother interviewed him and said he’s a really great guy. Very down-to-earth and very cool.
He’s also interviewed K-Fed and said he’s a total douchebag (his words) who takes himself waaaaaay too seriously. He’s a pretty good judge of character, so I believe him.
We in Holland have our own Kevin Federline. Our Queens’s niece, named Marguerite, married an abitious commoner, named Zuydewijn. He was tall, goodlooking (more so then his royal wife) and they had a fairytale wedding in a castle in the south of France. The first cracks in the fairytale were the complaints from the people in the castle’s village that the bills for the wedding didn’t get paid. Then Zuydewijn started complaining about how the Royal family had investigated his background when he planned to marry Marguerite (well, duh.). Zuydewijn even dragged his wife into suiing her Royal Aunt, Dutch Queen Beatrix. Well, the story unfolds every bit as juicy as anyone would wish it, and I can’t do it full justice here, so let me just give the upsho. Which is that Marguerite divorced Zuydewijn, and that Zuydewijn lost all his money and what little was left of his reputation suiing everyone left and right he could think of, as he went down in flames. The last thing everyone heard from Zuydewijn was his appearance in a commercial for Monsterboard, a website for jobs. The commercial depected him sitting on a couch, smiling proudly with his arm around the shoulders of a girl. He said: “This is Mary Vanderbilt” and then the voice-over said: “There’s always a better opportunity just around the corner. Monsterboard.com” .
It was hilarious, but I don’t think the humor was Zuydewijns, but the advertising agency’s. Zuydewijn was just broke and no reputation left to lose. I think Federline was in the same position.
But hey, the list of “famous” people who left their less hot wives/girlfriends for a hottie once they got well known is pretty long- Jim Carrey, Dennis Miller, Jimmy Kimmel, etc.- and they aren’t universally hated for it. Is it becasue they have “talent”?
I got the feeling from the “interview” that W. Al is less than impressed with K. Fed and had no problem ripping on him. I’ve seen other W. Al “interviews” and while he always uses the same format (asking strange questions and cutting to reactions from his targets from other interviews so that they look like they’re reacting to his questions), I don’t believe I’ve seen him laying into someone quite like this before.
Diosa, you’re licking the side of the picture - I winced when I saw that, thinking of paper cuts.