Weird Earl's

Pixoid, the Evil Overlord page has always been one of my favorites. is another classic. It’s a page where some guys with way too much free time review bad (mostly mexican, although circus peanuts are on there too) candy, with hilarious results. Fear the tamarind!

Want to buy a Darwin fish but don’t know where? Order it here – along with a whole host of other products, including the dreaded Nun-zilla!

The Pump Room

And you thought that story about people inflating their colons with air was an urban legend.

The Celebrity Atheist List, along with some agnostics and others. Find out if your favorite celeb is listed!

8 Worst convenience foods

Nothing can prepare you for the horror that is Clam Jerky.

I don’t know how to do the link (I have got to figure that out one of these days), but may I suggest:


Fiat Justitia

This one is great:

Occupation: Taxidermist and hunt guide
Location: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada
Interests: The Loyal Order of the Moose, Moosehead (and the beer).

Oh yeah? Well, Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did. Backwards. In high heels. - As per Wally

Ed, this is one of my favorites, I’m still waiting for a happy deserving victim. I like to spread the joy of this on in the chat room.

I also think it would be remiss to overlook this beauty of the web:

One final addition for the night, come and vent your frustration on the over-exposed celeb of the moment:

A question, is there going to be an archive of every Wierd Earl somewhere on the page? I think it might make for a very nice list to do some industrial strength procrastination.

VERY cool site :slight_smile:

The Zippy filter works like the Jesusify site. Enhance any website with sayings from Zippy the Pinhead. Bo Derek ruined my life!

A couple of my favorite bizzaro sites:

Conspiracy at the Denver Airport: Proof that your government is gathering up orphans and feeding then to a colony of extraterrestrials living in a city under the new Denver airport. I’m convinced.

The Inflatable Animal Fetish Page: This may or may not be a joke, but either way, it’s weird and icky.

SpellWeb: A handy internet oracle. Allows the web to democratically and instantly decide which of two options you should pursue.

The Church of the Subgenius: The Grand Poobah of bizarro sites.

Woo hoo! My time has come! National recognition! Fame! Fortune! Scantily-clad men!


Uh, thanks, guys, for giving me credit for :slight_smile:


Evidently, I rock.
Ask the Gay Guy!

Another nutty one:

Breakfast at Fry’s

Much hilarity ensues.

I’d give my left buns-cheek for a Wally sig.

The most sadistic weekly cartoons on Earth are at

The best directory of weird sites is at

Only you can prevent solipsism. – People actually EAT this stuff?! – “My friends were a little jealous that I had more time to drink than they did.” That’s from an actual testimonial, folks. – Please, oh please don’t let this be for real. – More bad goth poetry than you can shake a stick at. Barbarians hath splooged upon mine face!

Thou shalt resist the Olson Twins.

My all-time fav:

The site is huge. Those in the Pit will love the PR Guy.

(Sorry, I haven’t figured out the link-thing yet. At least it’s short and easy to type.)

I watched my head rolling on the floor. It landed face up and a big tear came out of one eye. --Shirley MacLaine

If you want to poke a little bit of fun at the Christians, there’s this religious parody site,