Welcome our new MPSIMS moderator -- twickster

Twickster is joining us as our newest moderator, working in MPSIMS.

We’re pleased to have her on board and think you will be too.

Please welcome her. [del]And we’re not mentioning the thing about the goat, okay?[/del]

What about The Squid? Or is he only for new members?

So Twicks, what exactly can we expect out of you as a moderator? Evenhanded judgements or strong-armed, underhanded tactics?

Please don’t make me disappear just for asking.

wide kitten eyes

Hey twin, congratulations!

Oh, this is bull crap. I’ve been sending in my audition tapes wrapped in Godiva chocolates since I joined up here. Who’s d**k do I have to suck around here to get the job?

I mean… congrats twickster.

Excellent news! Welcome, twickster. We look forward to harassing you just as much as we would any other, more established mod. :slight_smile:

Cutest mod ever!

Well, if memory serves me right, we can’t even be cryptic with this one.

I’m currently negotiating to have them issue me a mod tiara instead of a mod hat… 'nuff said.

Thanks, twin! Just don’t expect any special treatment (unless requests for such are accompanied by massive amounts of expensive dark chocolate).

Hmph. Given the size of that pool vs. the size of the Ph.D. pool – hmph.

Heh. Not that it will stop you rascals from trying, I’m sure.
Seriously – thanks to all for your good wishes – I’m a little nervous and a lot excited to be given this opportunity to contribute to a community that is so important to me.

Hey, lady!

Congratulations to you. I can’t imagine why you’d want the job of wrangling all of us, though. I’m pretty sure the chocolate bribes never make it to the mere moderators.


The magic words are squeamish ossifrage.

So what’s the running rate on bribing moderators?

With the economy being bad, does that raise or lower bribery rates?

I mean, I can’t afford shit towards a bribe, but then again, won’t they be happy with a smaller one than normal since they presumably could use any extra cash they can get?

Can someone help us out here with the economics of bribery? Or should I take it to GQ? :smiley:

I, for one, appreciate and welcome our twicky new overlords.

Don’t bother taking it to GQ, he can move it there himself!

Is that gonna require a bribe? :confused:

[sub]Pssst! SHE [/sub]

I’ll send you a PM.

Congratulations and welcome abord, twickster. I’m looking forward to working with you. I warn you not to expect much in return for the job: they eventually sent me my coffee mug, but I’m still waiting on the hookers and blow. Every day I walk out to the mailbox like an excited child, murmering “Hookers and blow! Hookers and blow! This’ll be the day!” And then there’s nothing in the box but cavernous silence. Not a single hooker nor a bump to be found. Still, it’s a fun job and I’m glad to have you on the team.

Welcome. Now that you are modding, I will try to be a better poster.

How’d you know that? :confused:

Heh. And you’ve always been such a troublemaker … :wink:

FTR: As a middle-aged female of the heterosexual persuasion who’s also a recovering addict, I’m planning to put my hookers and blow up for auction. (And Marley, were you really foolish enough to do the the whole signing-in-blood-at-midnight ceremony before you’d received them?) That shouldl be lucrative enough that I’ll be able to set a pretty high bar for bribes.

Congrats, twickster! :slight_smile: