Well, it's ending in tears! What the shit do I do now? (kinda long and rambling)

Backstory here

Well Lisa and Sam’s ill fated relationship came to an end around new years eve. Thank the gods, except, shit. I made up with her already. Not that I wanted to, I did it to keep his friendship. Sam was threatening to move out of the apartment because it was “too tense” with us still fighting.

More problem…She exibited her true colors tonight when she yelled at him, called him names, and ::Checks memory:: oh yeah! Did the SAME EXACT SHIT TO HIM SHE USED TO DO TO ME! Fucking bitch. Where the hell does she get off treating people this way? Sam and I never did anything but try to give her some compassion and understanding. In return, we got the horrible treatment outlined in these threads. So what the fuck do I do now? I’m friendly with her again and she goes and pulls this shit.

I can’t help thinking that she just dated Sam to get back in with the “group”, if you will. She wanted to take advantage of the fact that we were going to try to be mature about this. So now she doesn’t need him. Except to be her puppy dog. I have seen her turn men into weeping pusses of goo with her insults. (Because she turns them on and cuts them back off) I can’t watch her do it to Sam. So why the fuck did I make up with her. Shit. Life was so much easier before Lisa.

Oh and guess where Sam had to go to find her, raving drunk? (Lisa not Sam)

Chuck’s house. Apparantly she still has it bad for him. She went there and curled up on his front porch until he called Sam to come get her. Then she starts screaming at him, called him names, and screeched away pixilated out of her mind. Jesus :rolleyes:

The advice I gave in the previous thread still stands. I think Sam should apply it too. Get rid of that poisinous adder. Get her out of your life. She’s a user, not a true friend. Chalk it up to a hard lesson learned and work at moving on.

comfort you both

Is it a requirement of some sort that she be in your life or his? If not, she need not do anything more to you two.

As for the loss in girls turning on Sam, I would imagine that a small bottle of lube or handcream would achieve a superior result. You’ll have a much smaller pile of goo to clean, too;)

Well, I don’t really want her in my life, truthfully. If he decides to forgive her, however, I have no choice. I have to be civil to her because he will bring her around. I’m worried that if he forgives her, I will have to watch her do to Sam what I have seen her do to many other of her friends and boyfriends. Like I said, I have seen her turn people into weeping piles of goo.
Oh yeah, this is the pit…THAT BITCH!!!

What a bitch!

(Sorry, I have nothing constructive to add)


I second the ‘what a bitch’ and wish to add a ‘good luck’ on top.

Not to be harsh on your but I really do not understand this position. Look, if he does forgive her it is not unreasonable considering the amount of hell that she has put you through to advise him that you a.) respect his decision but b.) she has caused far to much upheaval in your life and that you do not wish to have her around. If Sam can’t respect that…

It is your life too that she is fucking up. Supporting someone in their decisions is one thing, being passive and letting that person fuck up your life is another.

Sorry you are in such a crappy position, really.


Of course you do. You aren’t Sam’s Siamese twin, are you?

Frankly, friends who put you through a wringer aren’t worth your time and effort. Get new friends. You hate Lisa with good reason, but you should be re-evaluating Sam as well. Maybe he’s the nicest person ever and maybe not - he obviously has atrocious taste in girlfriends - but being a good and worthwhile friend is about more than just being “nice.” Sometimes you DO have to choose, and he has chosen Lisa.

Leopards do not change their spots. My advice; drop them. You do not have a moral responsibility to remain friends with people who are insensitive or crazy or make your life difficult. Trust me, in the long run it will make your life a lot easier to just drop these weirdos.

Of course you do. You aren’t Sam’s Siamese twin, are you?

Frankly, friends who put you through a wringer aren’t worth your time and effort. Get new friends. You hate Lisa with good reason, but you should be re-evaluating Sam as well. Maybe he’s the nicest person ever and maybe not - he obviously has atrocious taste in girlfriends - but being a good and worthwhile friend is about more than just being “nice.” Sometimes you DO have to choose, and he has chosen Lisa.

Leopards do not change their spots. My advice; drop them. You do not have a moral responsibility to remain friends with people who are insensitive or crazy or make your life difficult. Trust me, in the long run it will make your life a lot easier to just drop these weirdos.

Well, I’m really starting to consider taking **Rickjay’s[\B] advice after today. He blew off the skiing trip we were supposed to take today, telling us he had “something important to do” that he was “not at liberty to discuss”. Bullshit, he brought her to the apartment today. Shit, they aren’t even together and he still blows us off for her.

Meanjoe, I really don’t have much choice, when you look at it. You see, Sam is my roommate. My boyfriend also lives here. Back when we were ignoring her when she came over he sat us down and told us that he was thinking of moving out. The “tension” between all of us was “too much”. We can’t survive without his rent check, considering I make just enough to cover my rent myself. I can’t afford to make up any slack.
So here are my options, stand up for myself, lose my friend and roommate as well as making a very difficult fianancial situation for not only me, but Marc as well. Who knows what kind of resentment that would create between him and I.
Or swallow my pride because I know that my boyfriend likes Sam, likes living with him, and likes eating.
We are going to have a talk about this sking thing, however. :Mad: