Well, that was a weird one. (dreaming)

The details are fading as I type, but tonight I had one of those really weird dreams one gets once in a while.

In it I was back in Uruguay (14.000Km away), at the pier of the fishing club my grandfather was once president of; there ,in the water, I saw a salmon.

The salmon was the size of a very large whale, the shape of a whale, in fact it looked exactly like a whale in every detail, but it was a salmon.
Somehow I fished the fifty ton thing out of the water, because there were people waiting to eat… somewhere.

Then something or the other and I’m in the toilet peeing when I overheard the dinners getting impatient, so I go down to an underground chamber, brightly lit (alien spaceship style) where the whale sized, whale shaped salmon is laying alive at the center.

I approached the salmon and I either activated something or be sheer mind power I began to levitate the creature upwards, on an whirling pillar of water, to the point that it pushed through a transparent, gelatinous membrane that liquified as it let the fish through, into an even brighter upper chamber. (I have to say the VFX were awesome in that sequence).

I moved up to the upper level, with the enormous salmon in whale’s clothing, to see a row of people seating in individual tables waiting to eat.
I stepped into the mouth of the fish, walked towards the back and cut a slab of meat about 20 kilograms in weight. The salmon lurched, yelped, but it let me know it was OK because it would grow back in time and please come back for more, happy to oblige.

Carrying the large piece of fish meat, which was white instead of… well, salmon, and a stopwatch I proceeded to slice of portions for each dinner in turn, taking note of the time it took from cutting it from the fish to being served on the table, because, you know, it just had to be very fresh.

The fourth dinner was Queen Elizabeth the Second and at that point something in my brain pulled the things-are-getting-way-too-weird emergency stop and I snapped out of the dream, but remained sleeping or at least in that diffuse state between sleeping and being awake.

So, yeah, that was a bizarre one. I get them once in a while and probably should write them down so when I finally lose it the doctors can trace back how it all started.
Now lets see what other weirdness lurk in other Doper’s minds at night…

Last night I dreamed I was baking and decorating cakes with Sgt. Angel Batista. No doubt a direct result of watching too many episodes of “Dexter” and “Cake Boss.” :smiley:

I had an odd one last night, in fact, though one lacking your visual spectacles, Ale. I don’t recall much of it, except for this bit:

I was doing laundry, and came to a shirt I had been wearing while preparing dinner. I had cut myself peeling something, and the shirt had a smear of blood on it.

“Better soak that one in cold water first. And give it a squirt of that stain remover–it should work on blood as well as grass stains,” said the ghost sitting on the dryer.

“Great. Homemaking advice from a dead serial killer.”

“Hey, who would know better?”

I’ve no idea why I was being haunted by the ghost of a serial killer, why he was being helpful, or even why I had a shirt that would show the stains (I habitually wear very dark colors). It was like a prosaic slice of life with a roommate, only the roommate was a spectral murderer.

I’ve no idea why I was being haunted by the ghost of a serial killer, why he was being helpful

Have you seen Always? :eek:

I was dreaming about a vast war in a large sandy region. Some might see this as some type of response to fears if ISIS, but the whole thing was so filled with fantasy tropes that I find that hard to believe. How in the heck does my brain come up with these things?

Nope, and after looking at the IMDB entry, I think I’ll continue that trend. :smiley:

After sifting a few more memory fragments, I think there was something about neurochemistry and ghosts, not having physical bodies, being free of baggage caused by physical flaws.

The other night I was hanging out with Prince William in a two-story thrift store (I’ve never seen one.) When he picked something up and kept looking at it I asked him if he was going to buy it. He said, “Fuck yeah, I’m from FRANCE!”

That IS weird. I’m pretty sure he’s from Poughkeepsie.

I had a dream involving having sex with both the guys from Mythbusters. And then group breakfast. :eek::eek:

I don’t even want to contemplate the meaning of THAT. :smack:

I’ve had good dreams lately, that would go together into amazing stories… if I could remember them. I think I’ll keep my sketchbook next to my bed again.

Usually dreaming about peeing , water and liquefied doesn’t turn out so good.
Reminds me of one of those book title jokes from my childhood.

Rusty Bed-springs written by I.P Nightly

I’ll Seed You in my Dreams, by Mick Turition.

The last two nights I’ve had the same dream: outside in the woods there’s a clearing with a circle drawn in the dirt. For reasons unknown, an adorable baby named Samson, who is about 10 months old and clearly mixed raced, must stay in the circle with an adult. People take turns in the circle with him, making sure that he doesn’t crawl out. Outside the circle the other adults do their things, but kind of keep an eye on Samson. They’re waiting for… I’ve yet to find out why he must be in the circle or what they’re waiting for. So weird.

I had a weird dream Friday that I was supposed to tell… Og only knows who… to stop their threesome-foursome-fest as their birth control was about to fail with the wrong husband.
The kid was going to be great, but the conception was going to mess up their group of friends.

No one I know has ever done the threesome/foursome thing.

Ugh! Last night I dreamed I was at work (not any place I have ever worked.) The “office” was a series of wooden porches on adjacent buildings (these looked similar to the back porch on a three-decker.) The boss looked like Gil Grissom from CSI (plump William Petersen.) He moved throughout the office by levitating. I was so upset by this that I looked down at my desk and closed my eyes when he rose from the farthest porch and did not open them again until he landed next to me on the porch where my desk was located. I knew he hand landed when I felt a breeze on my left arm from his movement.
If that isn’t weird enough; during the work day (or week or however long I was there) we had meetings. I and another coworker never made it to the meetings because the boss was drugging us. Right before the last meeting the boss brought us drinks. I drank mine and immediately felt woozy. It was a struggle to keep my eyes open. At that moment it clicked for me that he was always bringing drinks to only two people before the meetings. I discussed this with the other worker who was being drugged and they agreed. I climbed over the railing on the porch where my desk was located and jumped to the next porch and then I woke up.

Last night I dreamed I somehow acquired a baby sea turtle. I was trying to get the sea turtle back to where it came from, because I know turtles will spend their whole lives trying to get back to their hatching spot to mate and lay eggs. So the turtle is getting bigger and I now have it in a 15-gallon metal trough that I use to water my horses. I meet a woman who says she’ll help me with the turtle, but she lives in an apartment and I wonder how she’s going to know where to take the turtle. And, of course, she parks about a mile from her apartment even though there are nearer spots, and I have to carry the trough full of turtle and water all the way to her apartment. I woke up before resolving the issue, so the poor turtle never made it back to his beach.


My last dream last night ended up with me watching Agatha Heterodyne falling into a volcano. This was necessary for her to activate it and take control of it. It was beautifully rendered in full-colour cartoon style, but on layers so that there could be parallax between them as well.

I was with my wife and kids, and I was trying to figure out how I could get a job and find an apartment big enough for us all. I think my wife had already found work. We were in Knoxville, TN, where I went to grad school many years ago. Then I remembered that we owned a house in the DC area and I already had a job. Good think it was a long weekend, so there was plenty of time to drive home.

Recently I dreamt I threw a snowball and hit a kangaroo in the nuts while Jeff Goldblum stood there laughing. Good luck figuring that one out.

That’s very Agatha. She probably hadn’t even finished the control device before jumping and was working on it as she fell. :smiley: