For me: it was immaturity and cowardice(on my end).
Religious differences: He thought he was God and I didn’t.
Teenage “relationship”, moved away to uni, insanity (literally - went to mental hospital), boredom, tried to turn me into someone else, cheated on me, lived too far away - in that order.
Differing expectations. She was more looking for a “substitute father” who could take are of any problem on any topic than an equal partner.
SnakesCatLady - LOL!
I ended it because she seemed to always have time for her other friends but never for me, and also she made a secret blog which she said I wasn’t allowed to read. (Uh, I’ll note that this was in eighth grade, and I hardly even consider this a relationship because it lasted all of two weeks.)
He fell in love with another woman (now his wife). But by that time I was already kind of bored of him though and once again, annoyed at how he seemed to prioritize other things over me, namely WoW.
Things were going swimmingly and then one day she told me she didn’t love me anymore, and never spoke to me again.
Simple - she was the Devil incarnate. I could put up with the thrown ashtrays and sex “holidays” for months at a time, but blinding the backyard squirrels with a 1W green laser was the last straw.
I had two long-term relationships before I started dating the woman I eventually married.
#1: There were a bunch of reasons for this one flaming out. Partially my immaturity (I was 19), partially her inability to be faithful, partially her desire to regain custody of her kids from her ex-husband (which led her to dump me for an older guy, whom she married).
#2: We were both in college, and she wanted to go to medical school. Things had gotten very serious between us, and she decided that she wasn’t going to be able to focus on her studies while being in a relationship (or married). At least, that’s what she told me at the time we broke up. Years later, she came out of the closet as a lesbian, so I wonder if that had also contributed to her thoughts at the time.
I wasn’t a skinny slut who could happily do two married guys in one evening, and “service” an elderly man in order to take vacations in Cabo. He seemed very proud of her “generosity” until she dumped him for someone with money.
In general, it’s been because it reached the point where either you settle down or don’t, and I haven’t been ready to settle down.
I married Mr. Right. I just didn’t know his first name was “Always.”
ETA: (Talking about ex Mr. Jackal, not the current Mr. Jackal.)
I was too caught-up in myself. We got married young and I hadn’t grown up yet.
Vanity and/or crash of personalities.
Hah! I like this one, especially since my then-guy thought he was really religious on top of it all.
He was two years younger than me. He was immature, depressive, insecure, jealous and paranoid, religious, had an inferiority complex, and liked country music (ugh!). He insisted that we get married before I go away to school (this was after 2 months of dating; I should mention that I was 21 and he was 19 at the time, and he was obsessed with getting married for some reason). I wisely broke it off, then tried to patch things up so we could try a long-distance relationship. I went to school for a week to take care of some things, then I came back and he told me he couldn’t sleep all week because he thought I was cheating on him the entire time. Then he dumped me. Yeah, it broke my heart, but in retrospect I am SO glad he did. Rose-colored glasses are some powerful things, and I can’t believe I was thinking of marrying that guy.
The relationship had problems from the beginning. I was always asking myself whether I’d be better off alone, and the answer had always been “no.” Then one day, the answer became “yes.”
I was a selfish, immature, self-centered dick. And she was a bitch. I’m still the same, but my current wife of almost 20 years is a saint, so it worked this time.
He was a a controlling dick and I was too young and sheltered to know better (I figured it out after a while and bailed.)
He was a great guy and it was a lot of fun for a while but he was always looking for something else and eventually I decided it simply wasn’t going to work. Managed to stay pretty good friends although I understand he got a bit of grief from his family who apparently really liked me.
- She got pregnant by another man.
- I was too distant, and he finally gave up and found someone else.
Not counting short-term relationships:
- I was a selfish, immature, self-centered dick.
- She got heavily into drugs and decided she preferred them to me.
- She fell out of love but didn’t have the grace to tell me, and we got married anyway.