What are the most hackneyed, cliched lines in all of TV and film?

I have two nominees for lines that, if never used again, would not be missed:

1 - “You’ve got to believe me!”

Oh really? They’ve got to believe you? Like, if they don’t, the earth will swallow them whole? Sheesh.

2 - “Do you want to get something to eat?”

Heard almost exclusively when a guy is hitting on a woman. It’s a clear signal that These Two Will Be Having Sex Eventually. And it’s just so DUMB. I’m sure there are women out there who go for clumsy, unsubtle approaches like this, but I’ve never met one.

A variant on #2 is “Do you want to come up for a drink?”

I think Hollywood once made a list of the 100 most cliched lines ever. They called it Titanic. :stuck_out_tongue:

“You just don’t get it, do you?”

My wife and I HOWLED when, while watching the terrible “Black Scorpion,” someone said to the main character,

“I know your father was a rogue cop who didn’t play by the book, but…”



A couple off the top of my head…

“You’re a loose cannon!”

“About last night…”

“If I didn’t know better, i’d swear that…”

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this…”


“He’s dead, Jim”

“<<someone>> meets <<someone else>>, with hilarious consequences!”

“It’s quiet out there - too quiet.”

“Let’s get out of here.”

Don’t go there

Let me tell you what really happened that day…

Tell my wife/child I love…ugh

You should have killed me when you had the chance.

I can’t live without you and I won’t let you live without me.

You are the weakest link

Any variation of “go ahead…make my day”

“Go Go Go Go Go!”
“Then everything I’ve ever known to be true, is a lie?”

“Are you OK?” asked of hero after jumping off a burning building or something
“So that’s what this is all about…? Money!?!”
“The mayor’s office wants your badge!”

“I’m too old for this shit”

"How did my father die?’’

‘‘That’s impossible, she’s been dead for 20 years…’’

‘‘Bring him back… alive.’’

‘‘Shouldn’t we call for backup?’’

‘‘I thought you were dead?’’

‘‘You’re going to get us all killed!’’

‘‘There’s something in the water.’’

‘‘It’s not you, it’s me.’’

Don’t you die on me, man!

“It’s gonna blow!!!”

What we need is somebody really stupid/naive/who looks exactly like the other person. (Immediate cut to hero)

Your father/mother would be proud.

There’s no way it can escape.

Let’s split up to cover more ground.

You were the best once and you could be again.

Two characters have a lengthy dialog. Just as one of them leaves, he’ll turn around and say:

“Oh yeah, and one more thing…”

You watch too much porn.