What can you get the beer.com girl to do?


Some fun things I’ve found:

Dance on bar.
Fight. (Trust me on this – it’s hilarious)
Kiss a girl. (duh)
And obviously she’ll get beers and pitchers.

I’ll share some other stuff later after people have had their chance to play and share.

She seems bloody stupid to me. No matter how polite or how rude I was, she didn’t understand.

I asked for a “scotch, please”, and all I got was a shrug and smirk.

I’m outta that place.

A bar that doesn’t have scotch? Puhleese. :rolleyes:

Ass gives very good results.

LMAO - whisky was my first choice, too. :dubious:

Well, it is put up by beer.com. :wink: If you don’t want the beer yourself, try “beer shower.”

At least she’s bilingual. ‘Arse’ works just the same.

Much better than the chicken! :smiley:

Ah, thank you manny! I kept trying to figure out what was bring those results. (Wet T-Shirt gives another interesting one, I found.)

I might find this funnier if it hadn’t been done before.

I got her to wave 'Hi."

Hmm. Guys, you might like to type in “tickle.”

Ask for a “light”, and then watch where she puts the lighter back. YEEoww! That hadda hurt.

“Take off top” holds no surprises, but it is a good result.

“Sing”, “dance”, and “tell a joke” also work.

well, lick it is pretty good.

Ask her to “kick”! Priceless!

Handstand is boring.

“Kiss” gets you a slight lesbian scene.

I’m giving it up for tonight, I swear. . .

You thought of handstand, too? I didn’t even think she would do it because it seemed to obscure when I typed it in. That makes me smile.

And check out “call me” . . .

Apparently, she’s heard enough, but not enough to know a lot. . .

“talk”, “flip hair”

Lie down, shoes, hair, and shake all work.

Jump and throw also work

Try “squeeze” and “split”