A recent thread got me to wondering: If you could pick and choose certain true characteristics of your own self, who could you be mistaken for?
By way of example, I’ll use me:
I am 6’4"
I have black hair and a black moustache
I often wear aloha shirts to work, and I did so back in the mid-1980s, also
I have driven, but never owned, a red Ferrari 308 with tan interior
One of my friends from the Viet Nam war was a chopper pilot
I have extremely “mobile” eyebrows
I have spent a whole lot of time in Hawaii
I could say all of this completely truthfully and hope to be mistaken on some internet message board for Magnum, PI (Tom Selleck). Of course, I’m not.
So who could you masquerade as, without telling a fib, just cherry-picking certain truths?
Ah, crud. I meant a REAL actor/actress, and as such, please ignore the reference to being really good friends with a chopper pilot. I don’t know if Tom Selleck knows someone like this or not. And I shouldn’t have even made reference to Magnum, I was going for Tom Selleck.
I play in a psychedelic rock band, and I have been told numerous times that I look like Donovan. The face is quite similar, plus we have the exact same hairstyle.
I’m short, I write science fiction, and it has often been said that I am an asshole. My latest romantic relationship was with a blond woman taller than I. I have an ego the size of Alpha Centauri.
Why is it that so many more people are 6’4" on the internet than in real life? I’ve come across fewer than a dozen people in my life that can look me straight in the eye, but 6’4" seems to be more common than 5’10" on the net tubes.
Okay, hijack over. Here’s mine!
I work a menial job, and haven’t in any way lived up to my potential.
I’m a smartass blond guy with very little respect for authority, who got in trouble with the law.
I had an abusive, alcoholic father. (Minor fudging here. In real life, I never knew the guy. My mother left him when I was 2)
I grew up as an only child, and made up stories about my siblings who didn’t actually exist because I was embarassed. (Only a little fudge here. My sister wasn’t born until I was 10, so I was an only child for a long time)
I did exceptionally badly in school and was headed for a major life disaster, until a psychologist and a college professor helped me discover myself.
I met an attractive, intelligent, wealthy woman with dark brown hair. We dated for awhile, but I was afraid of my feelings for her and pushed her away angrily. Eventually I was able to see my mistake, and went after her again.
Without making up too much stuff, I could pass for Matt Damon as Will in Good Will Hunting.
You’d have to be lantern-jawed, squinty-eyed, and from Minneapolis, and wear your hair in bangs.
Me, I’m of partially Italian heritage, which my last name does not reflect. I have very dark eyes and heavy eyebrows. At times I have been known to do funny accents, twitch nervously, and wear my shirt buttoned to the top. I guess this makes me Tony Shalhoub.
My downstairs neighbor looks uncannily like Sylar from Heroes. He sports the 3 day old beard all the time. I’ve never seen him clean shaven.
I have brown hair, brown eyes.
Not too tall, 5’ 9"
I love over the top stories in SciFi and comic books.
I find Scientology’s story fascinating. (Not the history of Scientology but the Xenu stuff.)
In the late 90’s I delivered pizza and several old ladies told me I looked like Tom Cruise.
So I guess I could be Tom Cruise.
Woo-hoo I get to fornicate with Katie Holmes.
I’m a curvaceous woman, about 5’7", sometimes redhaired, sometimes blonde.
I’m often seen nude, although more when I was younger than today.
I have full lips and arching brows.
The father of my first child is not my current husband. My current husband is the father of my second child.
I’m outspoken against anorexic casting in Hollywood. I’ve refused roles when the casting person requested I lose weight, but I’ve thought my current weight appropriate for the character.
I was born in the middle of the seventies.
I’ve worn corsets in a lot of my roles.
I’ve often been called on to sing in roles that don’t, on the surface, require singing. Directors just add songs in for me, although my primary training is in acting, not singing.