I meant to do this last week, when y’all were seeing double. We’ve acquired one heck of a cool newbie in the past few months. Besides her excellent taste in usernames, she was recently accepted to grad school, and has a very nifty web page.
Please welcome her to the boards, note her interesting vowel order (MagdElAne), and the honorific “Lady” - she’s a classy dame, not a foul-mouthed bitch like me. Gentlemen, I fully expect you to throw your capes over puddles to save her from the filth and ordure of the streets, catch her when she swoons, and seranade her under the balcony of a fine June evening. Sonnets are also highly-encouraged. Insults shall be avenged in The Dueling Thread.
You forgot to mention that said grad school was in the State of Michigan, in Kalamazoo, in fact, so I expect to hear a rousing chorus of “I got a galllllllll in Kalamazooooooo”