I learned a bit about supply and demand equilibrium.
I learned that there’s a company out there that sells ring-shaped chicken nuggets.
I learned that Garbage did a Bond theme song.
I learned how to find volumes with calculus (I hope).
I learned I can drink half a gallon of water in under five minutes
I learned that people will bet on the most idiotic things.
What did you learn today?
I learned that Catholics believe sex is good, sacred, and holy
I learned that the prederite for -ER/-ER verbs in the vosotros form is -isteis
I learned that the website for The Onion is not blocked by my school’s internet filter.
I learned that a Catholic brother, a person whose taken a vow of poverty, has a better computer than me.
I learned that most people can still be pleasant and understanding when they realize that I am working with only one-sixth the equipment that I should be.
I learned that most people will readily defer to someone else (“they were here before me”) when I say, “I am sorry, I did not see, which one of you is next?” (no single line at the counter, just one throbbing mass of humanity).
I learned that a child can be far more thrilled at winning a $.50 plush toy as with winning an $8.00 plush toy.
I learned that it’s been a long time since I’ve had a more fun and relaxing day at work, ironically, having far fewer resources available to me today than ever before.
I learned that letting someone pull in front of me from a side street might make me miss the green traffic light, but the one minute and fifteen seconds of sitting there at the red light allowed me a few moments of quiet and pleasant contemplation.
I learned that my cat can claw an entire plastic-wrapped roll of paper towels to weeny-bitty shreds in the living room while I am at work. So much for quiet contemplation.
What, you were watching a Bond movie instead while doing your economic homework when you bet your buddy that Chicken-Os don’t exist, lost, and had to drink half a gallon of water (which you had to measure using calculus) in five minutes? 
I learned that I should proofread my posts before clicking “submit.” :rolleyes:
I learned that the Philippines fly their flag upside-down when they declare war
I learned that Antonio Bandaras’ name is Spanish for Anthony Flags
I learned that Max Bialystok (“The Producers”) name translates into French as Grande Mount Blanc
I learned that it’s a waste of time surfing for “funny photos” sites that don’t consist submissions by ignorant American tourists who think that signs with the Italian word for baby; “bimbo” in and of themselves are humorous.
I learned that the US Marines is Haiti are fighting armies of ressurected zombies(this is as of yet unsubstantiated)
I learned the SDMB is going to subscriptions. (SHUT IT…I admit I’m oblivious at times.)
I learned in jjimm’s thread that he is leaving for the above reason.
I learned some things reading this thread.
I…well, I didn’t learn much else today. Just been reading the boards while bored at work…no retention of necessary information or information to be considered “learning” of anything in particular. (Does that sentence make sense?)

Today (or yesterday, by this time), I learned that a co-worker whom I formerly thought was a terrific, openminded person is, in fact, intolerant of gays.