What do you eat on your toast?

Grape jelly (thinly applied), honey, or sugar+cinnamon.

Peanut butter and grape jelly

apple butter mmmmmmmmmmmmm

TechChick, Zyada

I guess I would have been more clear if I’d said Gerber’s baby food apricots. Pears and bananas work too.

The baby food is pure, not to sweet and spreads great. And hey, if it’s good enough for junior, it’s good enough for me!

It’s not just for breakfast anymore… :wink:

You cretins.

Cheese Whiz belongs on toast.

Cheez Whiz on toast???

Oy, you Canadians are sure silly people. OH, that may just be kelli :wink:

(2) Strawberry Jam
(3) Crabapple Butter (YUMMY!)

Darn it. Now I’ve got a craving to have toast for supper tonight.

mmmmm Kel I totally forgot about Cheez Whiz… and then put it under the broiler so it melts… Yumn!

My mom used to give them to me. She’d put butter on toast, then dip small rectangles of nori seaweed (the stuff they wrap sushi in) in a bit of soy sauce, then layer the nori over the toast.

It’s probably too gross for you to contemplate trying.

Now that I know what you want for breakfast should I nudge you awake or call you??

Sorry I always love to flirt with you!

I tend to say away from foods with the word Whiz in it!

Here’s another Canuck that can’t stand Cheese Whiz on toast. Can’t remember which comedian said the above quote but it sums up my feelings towards Cheese Whiz.

Now Sue, considering that I’m just down the road from you (in Calgary) and I absolutely love raspberry jam on my toast (with butter), any chance of a jar of that jam makin’ it my way? Please…pretty please!

yeesh…this is causing me to rethink this crush I was forming on ya Sue

My mom used to give them to me. She’d put butter on toast, then dip small rectangles of nori seaweed (the stuff they wrap sushi in) in a bit of soy sauce, then layer the nori over the toast.

It’s probably too gross for you to contemplate trying.**

I’d contemplate it! What is it with all the nori references on the board lately? Are you people trying to get me fat?

Sue, if you don’t mind me asking, how does one go about getting on your Christmas gift list? Not that I’m hinting anything, but, I am a total jam and jelly slut. Preserves and marmalade, too. I think I’ve got about a dozen jars in the fridge. That’s just the open ones. I think red currant and prune are my favorites right now.

And butter…gots to have the real, 100% fatty goodness of butter. Mmmmm. You know what’s not so bad either? Quark (wierd German dairy substance), sour cream or creme fraiche layered on top of the jelly and butter. It goes best on brotchen but American style toast will do in a pinch.

I like butter and honey too, but that’s more of an English muffin thing.


Peanut butter and jam, but the peanut butter has to go on while the toast is hot, so it kind of melts into it.

Also (and everyone thinks I’m nuts) Cheez Whiz and honey. Try it. It’s good!

Hmmm… I wonder if that’s why people think I’m nuts, or if it’s something else.

Try it, you’ll love it!! It’s just the mini version of a grilled cheese, breaky style!

I don’t have much of a sweet-tooth, so lime marmalade and orange marmalade are favorites. And (get ready to barf) hot pepper jelly. Especially with a thin scraping of cream cheese.

Or if it comes pre-buttered, a sprinkle of hot sauce and salt.

Yeah, yeah, I’m weird.


Peanut butter (pure peanuts,thanks) with marmalade on one slice, and pb with something else on the other. Robertson’s Lime is good, but I prefer their Ginger Marmalade.

Except that I just got some homemade jam from my sister. Sue, she’s another canner, like so many prairie people. She doesn’t label things, so I’m not quite sure what ahe gave me, but she thought it’s one raspberry, one strawberry, and best of all, one strawberry-and-rhubarb. I can tell that one, so it goes first!

Lunapark, that pb-and-banana goes even better with a little orange marmalade as well.

And if I don’t go for sweets, maybe a bit of mayo and some cheese (old Cheddar, Gruyere, something with caraway or jalapenos, but definitely not Cheez Whiz!).

Hey sweetie!!! Don’t think I know how to cook that :slight_smile: You use bread, right!!! First, I have to find the kitchen… Hey CS… sun is shinning, weather is beautiful!!! Remember what we talked about doing on the boardwalk? sssshhh…