What do you think about this map of the Old Man Logan setting?

What do you think about this map of the US after the villain takeover in Old Man Logan from a technical/worldbuilding standpoint?

I like the map and the setting but there are three changes I would make:

1: The villain territories would have neater and squarer borders.

2: The wasteland in the middle of the country wouldn’t be as large. It doesn’t make sense that the villains would leave that much of the country unclaimed given their resources and desires even if it meant splitting it up into smaller territories run by other villains.

3: The unclaimed territory around Michigan either wouldn’t exist or would have an official villain ruler (Wizard, Count Nefaria, Baron Mordo etc.).

I’d rather expect that all of the borders would have that hash-marked “disputed” notation. Villains are not the sort to settle things with a handshake and a treaty and leave it at that.

What happened to the UP?


…it’s a post apocalyptic wasteland…You think there are ample resources?

Interesting that they labeled Charleston and Columbia but didn’t include the nearby Charleston and District of Columbia.

It wasn’t a wasteland originally. It’s only shown as such decades after the villain takeover. We aren’t given an explanation as to why they never included the middle of the country in their post takeover plans or why they let it descend into Mad Max. I don’t think Alaska and Hawaii are ever mentioned either in the setting.