I rather like them, although I just realized (before I made this topic) that I haven’t had them in a really long time.
I might need to rectify that.
I rather like them, although I just realized (before I made this topic) that I haven’t had them in a really long time.
I might need to rectify that.
I like them, but they’re not easy to find. Perhaps if I see them more often, I’d try them again, once. To check them out.
I ate way too many of them in college. Haven’t had them since.
Yea, I had them with more frequency when I was a youngster. But not since high school and now beyond (grad school).
I’m going through a bag a week right now. I’ll burn out pretty soon. Before the Funyuns, I was doing Jay’s Cheese Wheels. I’m a hardcore junk food addict.
Where can you find them? I’ll have to double check my local cafeteria, but I don’t think they sell them there.
I like them but seldom crave them, like I do other salty corn based snacks, such as Doritos. I do however admire Funyons for not jumping the snackfood shark by piling on a raft of wacky trendy favors, like Doritos did.
I like them but there are so few of them in a bag compared to chips that I don’t like to get them so much. Unless I get a huge bag and eat them all but I’m too grown up to do that anymore.
I think just about every grocery store here in the midwest has them. You can try the where to buy section on the Frito-Lay site.
I’ve tried them, but the onion flavor’s not strong enough for me.
Funyuns are outstanding!
The only variations I’ve ever seen are the “Flamin’ Hot” Funyuns, which is pointless IMO since all you can taste was the hot stuff, and there was briefly a wasabi-flavored version that didn’t last long. I never tried them.
I used to love them.
Then about 6 years ago there came a time when the only food I had to eat is whatever I could dig out of the dumpsters behind the grocery store that was in front of my house. A lot of times that was expired bags of funyuns, chedder & sour cream ruffles, and tortilla chips. After all of those being a major staple in my diet for 6 months, I got sick of them.
LOVE 'em. Dip 'em in Tabasco and they’re even better!
My sister and I like them. Whenever there was a party or something we always asked that our Mom get Funyuns and Munchos. Two not very mainstream salty snacks. Those were our favorites.
I never really liked them - the onion flavor was not strong enough, the Durkees fried onions were a better snack. I used to make a ‘chex mix’ sort of deal with the Durkees onions, the thin matchstick Durkees potato stix and the thin pretzel sticks. [can’t seem to find durkees potato stix online]
Well, now I desperately want some, so thanks.
I’m kind of an O-Ring snob; Funyuns are pretty far down on my salty-crunchy food group list. I did see some baked onion ring snacks at Trader Joes the other day–I’ll probably give them a taste test sometime soon.
Love 'em.
The wasabi ones were amazing. They only had them at Albertsons grocery stores here in LA.