What do you think, should I get a pixie cut?

Do it, get it done by the best stylist you can afford the first time. Grow it out if it doesn’t suit. Enjoy that feeling of freedom when your head feels so much lighter!

eta Don’t forget to post pics.

Of the three pics you posted, I like your hair the best from top to bottom (i.e. “as it is now” best, shortest worst), but hey, why not try it? Worst case, it’ll grow back out again, and you’ll have learned something about your hair at the cost of being “mumsy” for a few months. Not a bad price for getting to know for sure.

Please don’t do it. It has nothing to do with attractiveness, as I think you look perfectly fine. You have a nice face, just not the right face for that haircut.

Have you tried maximizing your natural wave with LESS work? Try this one day - wash your hair the way you normally do (and if you’re using shampoo with sulfates and parabens and stuff it may be weighing your waves down) and DON’T TOWEL IT. If you have a microfiber towel you can scrunch it dryer, but don’t rub it. Let it air dry before you so much as touch it with a finger. If you like the way it looks when you do that, you might get something out of the Curly Girl book.

Why do you want to grow it back out if you’re glad you cut it?

To the OP, I love the first picture of you, but I’m not sure how much of it is because of the hair length and how much is just because it’s a good picture of you. That sixth picture on google images definitely does not look like the wash-and-go style you wanted, it clearly has product in it. The first one looks like it could be wash and go, but I wouldn’t recommend doing it just because it has so little versatility. I mean, if you really want a wash-and-go style, why don’t you just DO that – wash it and pull it back, and then on the days when you want to put forth a little more effort, do that? With the short style you can definitely get ready quickly, but if you want to do something fun with it, like straighten it or curl it or pull it up but leave bangs hanging down or only pull the sides back, a cut that short won’t leave you with any of those fun options.

By the way, Jenny: in the middle (long hair) picture above, is there a large glass of white wine just out of shot? If so, I think I’m seeing a trend here…


If you ask a man the answer will almost always be don’t cut it.

I think your hair looks great as is. But I will admit that I am partial to long hair on ladies. It just seems to highlight your face and that dynamite smile.

It really depends. I think men generally do prefer longer hair, yes. But “almost always” is overstating it by quite a bit. Short cuts are pretty hot, IMHO, but how short depends on the woman and the face.

If it were that obvious, would she have asked? It’s not like she has “Don’t get the pixie cut” tatooed on her neck where it could only be seen…if she got a pixie cut!!! <dum dum dummmmmm>

Sorry, but something about the way you phrased this was so odd to me.

Do it. You’re young, it’s hair, it will grow back.

I have the Curly Girl book, and it worked really well on my hair pre-pregnancy. But post-daughter the texture of my hair seems to have changed and it won’t hold more than a light wave no matter what I do.

Gyrate, it’s hardly a secret that I like my wine, almost as much as I like your hat.
The wind of my soul**, I hate having my hair pulled right off my face. Absolutely hate it. If I do get a pixie, it’ll be one with a fringe and some wispy bits to soften it.
needscoffee**, don’t try to take the baby’s wine, how else is she meant to unwind after a hard day? Just don’t give her spirits, she gets terribly fighty.

Heart of Dorkness, NOTHING is cuter than my baby!

HazelNutCoffee and hamwater yes, I am bit worried that I’ll need more make-up with a pixie, especially in order to avoid looking like I’ve given up entirely.
Onomatopoeia**, I suspect you’re hinting that you don’t think I’m thin enough to pull off that style. That’s cool, I’ve wondered myself whether you need to be more gamine than I’m ever going to be to get away with it. I’m not going to PM you to find out if I’m right though, I’m just going to decide you’re clearly jealous of my radiant beauty and move on :smiley:
Bad New Baboon**, actually the shorted cut in the pictures required the most styling, because of the long heavy fringe required mucho straightening, which is why this time if I do it it’ll be much shorter. Plus that was pre-baby, my hair’s less curly now.

Thank you everyone who’s offered an opinion, though the sheer variety of them has left me even more indecisive! This morning after spending 10 minutes in the shower detangling I decided I was definitely getting it cut. Then I styled it and it looked awesome and I changed my mind. Then I got caught in a shower and it got frizzy, and I changed it back. Then I went into a salon and spoke to a stylist, and she said that I had lots of lovely hair in great condition, why would I want to cut it, and I changed it back again.

Right now I’m thinking, sod it, lets just do it, just because it’s driving me mad not knowing my own mind!

Yes, but mine is the only opinion that counts.

Seriously now, I hope you’re happy with whatever you decide. If it’s going to drive you batty not knowing, then just do it, because after all, it will grow back. Still, my opinion remains that your hair would look better left the way it is.

Nah. Even actual pixies look better when they let it grow out. They just never tried.