What flag is this? (probably nautical)

I need help identifying a flag I saw the other day.

We were at a maritime festival with lots of sailing vessels from all over Europe. The flag I’m curious about is red with a black horizontal stripe with three white X-shaped crosses. (See here.)

Any ideas? The closest I came is the flag of Albania - red and black, but no crosses.

Thanks in advance!

It’s the flag of the city of Amsterdam.

Gotta love the Dope.

You can see it, and the coat of arms, here at Wikipedia: Amsterdam. :slight_smile:

Yep, it’s Amsterdam alright. Don’t believe everything you see on that page, though. Royal Shell HQ are in The Hague, not in Amsterdam. :slight_smile:

It makes perfect sense that a town like Amsterdam with the live sex shows and a world renown red light district would have a flag with triple X on it.

Thanks, guys! You’re the best.

I could’ve told you that… all you have to do is scroll over the flag and the name pops right up. :smack:
