What happened to seeing who has viewed your profile?

I’ll have to admit it did appeal to the narcissist in me. Was disappointed to see it go.

I seldom check my own profile (after all, I know what it says, and I seldom need to pull up a list of my own posts). But the last time I did, I noticed that Marley23 had viewed it, and I admit I was a bit curious as to why. But not enough to ask him about it.

Just visualize the bit that Robert DeNiro does with Ben Stiller in Meet the Parents, putting his fingers to his eyes, then pointing them at Stiller.

Marley is slightly [del]crazy[/del] intense that way. :eek:

You’re scaring the norms again, Sam. :wink:

Can’t remember why I looked at your profile, LurkMeister. There may not have been a reason. I was sort of worried about creeping out new members, though. Before the board went free to post, I checked out pretty much every new person who signed up to see if they were spammers. I caught a lot of them that way but actual new posters might’ve wondered what was up.

I’ll make a suggestion.

Sometimes we get a new poster/jerk. He has an IP. We look for others with a similar IP, looking for a match. You might have had an IP that was an “almost.” Marley looked at you.

Hey! It helps to keep out the riff raff. :slight_smile:

As I said before, I wasn’t really concerned, because I know that my heart is pure. :smiley:

OK, that made me laugh. Thanks. :wink:

Yeah, but you know what they say about a man who’s pure and says his prayers by night.

He gets fleas.

Well, I don’t pray, so I think I’m safe. Although maybe I should stock up on wolfsbane just in case.

Or flea-powder.