What If...? (Disney+ Series) [Open Spoilers After First Post]

Actually he is definitely appearing in this.

I am the Watcher. I see everything. Including bad puns.

And I am silently judging you.

First episode was awesome. I loved it when Carter came out of the transformation booth ripped. Her style and characterization were perfect.

My favorite little joke: Stark didn’t want to join the final raid, saying he’s only a button pusher. Carter convinces him to come. Then when the raid starts, she’s the first to push a button, rather dramatically.

While live action is nice, animation gives artists a much wider gamut on creativity. I’m really looking forward to the rest of the series.

Did I miss something? Shortly after becoming Captain Britain(Carter), Peggy obtains the Tesseract and gives it to Stark and, says “see what you can do with this”.

Later in the episode, The Red Skull has the Tesseract back. Did I miss the scene where he somehow got it back?

yeah - you should rewatch the bits with the robot.

The tesseract was the power source for the proto-Iron Man suit. Red Skull got his hands on it by setting up the trap with the bomb on the train.

They’ve been teasing the Invaders since the first Captain America movie. This would be a good format for that (though, I’m not sure if Disney has the TV license for Submariner). It would also be a good idea to introduce the original Torch before a MCU FF reboot.

No one outside Marvel Studios seems to know. Universal Studios acquired the movie and TV rights to him back in the 90s, but the current legal situation is…unclear. Back in 2013/14, Kevin Feige said Marvel had the rights to the character, but referenced “entanglements” from “previous contracts” that made it difficult to use him in movies or TV shows. It seems like Universal probably still has some sort of distribution rights, which would require a co-distribution deal with Universal to use him, but the whole situation is decidedly murky.

By the way, Hasbro apparently spoiled some of the content of upcoming episodes with its tie-in toy line:

Marvel What If? Hasbro toys: Chadwick Boseman's Star-Lord, more

The toys include “Zombie Hunter Spidey”. Going by that, I’m guessing he’s going to be a major character, maybe the last surviving living hero, in the zombie apocalypse episode that we all knew had to happen.

Someone posted this to the “What If…” Appreciation Group on Facebook. I cannot vouch for its accuracy.

Ahhhh… I didn’t realize the Tesseract itself was the power source for the armor. I thought it was used like Red Skull used it in the first Captain America movie to empower lots of weapons.

Howard Stark used it exactly like Tony used the mini-arc reactor, installing it in the chest piece of the proto-Iron Man armor to power the suit. The primary purpose of the booby trapped train wasn’t to take out Captain Carter and the Howling Commandos, that would have been just a nice bonus; the purpose was to disable the Hydra-Stomper armor so Red Skull could recapture the Tesseract, and summon the “Hydra”.

(For that last bit, they seemed to be drawing on the Agents of SHIELD TV series, which elaborated on HYDRA’s origins and history, and revealed that they were actually a millennia old occult conspiracy that worshipped what they thought was an alien demon-god, and Red Skull led one HYDRA sect that had infiltrated Nazi Germany and was using their resources for HYDRA’s own ends).

Yeah, if AoS were more tied in to the rest of the MCU it would have been Hive that came through the gate.

Well, in AoS, HYDRA didn’t really understand how the Monolith worked, or what Hive actually was. And the Red Skull clearly didn’t understand what it was he was summoning. I think it’s entirely possible to view what happened as consistent with the AoS continuity: the Red Skull was trying to summon Hive, which he knew as “The Hydra”, and just screwed up, and accidentally summoned Shuma-Gorath, or whatever it was.

Or, if you’ve never watched AoS or view even the early seasons as now out of continuity with the MCU, or just don’t like their continuity, you can view what happened as totally unrelated.

I think the writers may have intentionally set it up so it could be viewed either way.

Who is blondey at 2:01-2:02 that Yondu is punching? My first thought was Adam Warlock.

I think that’s the Collector. Doesn’t look much like Benicio del Toro, but the hair and makeup are similar, and I think those are display cases in the background

Yeah, you’re right. I didn’t even notice the background until you pointed it out.

I honestly thought we might get a curve ball and get a reference to the Invaders comic where Hitler summons Thor to fight the Invaders.

I liked the What If…? comics, except for the part where everyone always dies in the end.

President America, though.

I liked this second episode much better.