What If? Sox-Yanks, Game 7, 2003

If you watch the Red Sox at all regularly on the NESN cable channel, you’ve been sick for weeks of seeing their ad for their computer recreation of Game 7 in 2003. What if Grady Little had pulled Pedro in the 8th with Boston up 5-3? Would Boston have won the game and, very likely, the Series against an inferior Marlins team, instead of leaving Pedro in despite his obvious exhaustion to extend the Curse for another year? Would Little have had to be kept on as manager after that despite his obvious cluelessness? (Well, they didn’t address that, apparently)

Well, I did intend to actually watch the thing, out of morbid curiosity. But, well, I didn’t. Did anyone catch it? What was the result? Was the guy who called the WEEI Whiner Line every day for the next 2 years, just to say “Timlin in the 8th, Williamson in the 9th”, right?

This is the kind of thing that might have made sense had the Sox not won the World Series the following year. But now, meh? The whole concept feels past its time.

What’s the basis for this statement?

Indulge me. :slight_smile:

I was visiting my parents in MA two weeks ago and saw commercials for this show every 12 minutes. But I don’t get NESN here. So… I’m kind of curious, myself.

When Pedro took the mound in the 8th, I woke up the baby screaming at Little. And when he gave up those runs, it became the only time in my life that I literally started throwing things at my TV.

We were traveling yesterday and this happened to be on in the place we stopped for pizza. I don’t get NESN at home.

Boy was I confused.

“What? The Yankees and Red Sox are playing? Wait, Wells is warming up in the pen for the Yankees? Damon is on the Sox? And why is Pedro there? And Andy Petite? And Nomar? And they’re talking about Clemens like he started?”

I figured it out, eventually.

Since a few of you seem slightly interested, Embree came on in the 8th and got the last 2 outs, then Timlin saved it. The Red Sox celebration on the show looked eerily similar to the 2004 one. :smiley: