What is a good website that teaches women to seduce men?

I’m a guy, but I am curious to find out what they are actually teaching women. I’m really looking for the female version of this site: http://www.fastseduction.com

Only two things are needed for a woman to seduce a man:

  1. Show up naked.
  2. Bring food.


You need both?

OK, I’m going to answer even though I don’t know if I’m being whoosed. I’d be surprised if you found anything. The majority of women have to fend off men. Even an “unattractive” women wouldn’t have a problem getting laid if she put in a little effort (you know, showed a little skin, made googly eyes).

Aside from an actual relationship, showing up is all that is needed.

I’ll break with the crowd here and venture that some men are not as easily seduced. If the guy is confident and enjoys the chase, the girl might have to play hard to get. Beyond that type of scenario, there really isn’t much to it.

“He chased her and chased her and chased her until she caught him” - Irish saying.

Are you serious? Do you actually believe that any woman can get any man she wants?
It might be true that she can get laid easily, if she doesn’t care at all with whom. But so could most men. Getting in the pants of a man she’s attracted to is another issue entirely.

I’ve come to the conclusion that all men need are a place. Feed 'em and fuck 'em.

Women need a reason. There are no simple tag lines for a womans rationale in this department because we are simply too complex, too layered, like an onion.

And you think men don’t need a reason?
Because I see no reason why an unknown woman would get me interested any further then examine why she shows up naked when I expect her to be dressed.
It can be an exciting experience of course, but excitement is not the same to me as being interested.
Salaam. A

Nope, I didn’t say she could get any man she wants. Men, of course, are more complex and individual than that. I said she could get laid…I’m sure someone would come along eventually. I think odds are that if you put an equally attractive man and woman in similar situations, the woman is likely to get a taker first. No cites, that’s just my opinion.

I’m assuming the OP is referring to getting laid in volume, since that appears to be the objective of the site he linked to.

Yea, some women think they need advice. I just want to know what kind of advice they are getting. I’m sure a girl would want to read the website I posted.

Well, yes, there are plenty of websites containing articles for women on how to seduce men. The ones I know are linked to “Women’s Magaizines,” like Cosmopolitan. Cosmo’s website has a whole section of “Sex and Love” tips. (They seem more concerned with the sex than the love, IMHO) Even Seventeen and other teen girl magazines offer plenty of “dating tips” which are thinly veiled seduction instructions. It’s really kind of icky.

I am not now nor have I ever been a member of the female gender, but I’d think the necessary instructional material would have less to do with “how do you get the guy you’ve selected to cooperate” than “how to you know which guys and which venues are safe, i.e., that you won’t get raped or otherwise physically victimized while you’re doing this?”

Works for me! :smiley:

Mmmm - onion! What? :confused:

You mean apart from all the advice on make-up and dress?

I don’t know if books like “on-line dating for Dummies” are only written for guys. There might be some advice for women in books like that.

Another angle might be books for courtisans and geisha’s. I’m sure they have tricks of the trade to seduce men (meaning make him fall in love with you).

Actually, when you’ve found a book, please name the title. I could use it. :wink:

SoSuave is mainly a woman-seduction website, the linked article has tips on how to get a man, too.

It’s not quite as repulsive as the OP’s site, but that isn’t saying much. The vomit that my dog just ate for the second time is less repuslve than Fast Seduction.

I think I read in the news that someone somewhere was holding exotic dancing classes for women who wanted to seduce their partners.

So yeah, I hereby volunteer to be a practice dummy for any woman who wants to test their seduction techniques. :smiley:

Yes, and like onions, women have brought tears to the eyes of countless men who have tried to peel them. :eek: