What is Natalie Portman's real last name?

I know! He must have had those suckers pinned back; either that or he keeps that 'fro of his to hide them.

As for Nat, I have a friend who went to high school with her. She said she’s not a bitch, just a “plain Jane” as she put it. Nothing much too her, very quiet, and unassuming. I was surprised to here Ewan called her a prima donna, but not that surprised - she does have a lot going for her (but her performance in TPM was pathetic – acting requires some show of emotion beyond cracking a thin smile every 45 minutes). I think she is a hottie though.

I don’t know if you can blame her for her performanc in TPM; I’ve heard Lucas directed her to be that way.

With all the people who know someone who knows “Nat”, I’m starting to think that she’s in the running to displace Kevin Bacon. However, the “six degrees of Natalie Herschlag” doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.

Okay, so I’m Natalie Hershlag, and I wanna be a big movie star, but I just KNOW my last name is gonna hold me back. So I want to change it to something cool, something trendy, something the hep-cats will identify with. And I come up with “Portman”?

Somebody explain this logic to me.

The mere mention of her name wipes all my petty worries away for some few moments.

But she could be called Gertrude Pissshagwank for all I care. As long as the name refers to that girl I will delight at it’s mention.

As for stories of her snotty attitude. That doesn’t surprise me much. But then I am up for a challenge!

I’m pretty sure I heard somewhere that Portman was her grandmother’s last name, and that’s where she got it from. No source to back that up, though.

I didn’t realize she was such a snob. Any one else out there with “I got snubbed by Natalie Portman/Herschlag” stories?

using your grandmothers maiden name totally makes you a snob

So you’re into zombies are ya pineapplehead?

That was a totally random revival.

Her last name will be Ekers, one day…

I can’t take my eyes off Jimmy Smits’ photo.

And that, your honour, is why I love this place.

9 years old this thread. What next a thread from the Clinton years?

Not when it comes to being a part of the SAG. The most common way to come up with a name is to take one from up your family tree.

Did anyone else first read that as a (quite awesome) fake insult? Awesome name, brah.

Or, failing that, steal one from the Pet Shop Boys.

I honestly don’t get the Portmania. She’s pretty enough but not in a homina-homina way, and talented enough but not so much that I would rush out to see any film she’s in. *De gustibus non est disputandum *and all that.

I was just thinking the same. And Natalie is the one that they consider pretty?

Did anyone notice the quote from Holly GoLightly next to her name on the right here?
(you have to zoom in to the text) :

and here She went to school with someone called Hoda

which is only one letter away from Yoda!
How uncanny is that ?:eek:

Scores of 16 year old (er…25 year old…) guys, I bet.

I think this is the second time in recent months someone has revived an old thread in which I said something mildly embarrassing.