What is the most incriminating photophrah someone has taken of you?

I fell asleep at my friend’s house once and my friends thought it would be funny for one of them (another guy) to lie down next to me like him and I were spooning and then my best friend take a picture of it with his digital camera. The guy who was lying next to me in the photo is bisexual, and so when they showed some people the picture for some laughs, they jokingly said that they think him and I are an ‘item’ :mad:

I suppose I’m just fortunate they haven’t messed with me when I’m drunk/passed out since people in that state seem to be extremely susceptible to humiliation.

Was doing the dishes, wearing sweatpants. MrsIteki was entertaining herself by running into the kitchen and pulling down my pants! In the end I stopped pulling them back up (it only encouraged her) and proceeded to continue with the dishes with my trousies half way down my bum. Very dignified.

Presently mrsIteki reappears in the kitchen giggling madly and proclaiming herself to be “an evil gook”. Having no grounds on which to dispute her claim, I tried to guess specifically how she had been evil this time. “Is it your zone?” I asked, as she was working on creating a special zone for a game we play. “No,” says she, “but it rhymes with it!”. I gave her a “what are you on” look, but just as I did so, they penny dropped. Zone, lone, tone, PHONE! She had taken a photo of my ass with my cellphones camera, and set it to the background picture! Horrible, horrible woman. She got me well and proper, and then I gave her that gift line, “no, but it rhymes with it…”

Don’t know why I keep her!

Some years ago some buddies and I dressed as Hooters girls for Halloween (we’re all hairy guys). There’s a few pictures of me from that night, which I don’t even remember being taken I was so drunk.

(On video)

Once when I was a soldier in Germany, I got really wasted at a party in the barracks. There’s a video of me sitting next to the toilet and a guy telling me “You gotta puke man. You’ve had so much to drink you’re gonna die if you don’t puke.” After a couple of minutes of this, without any kind of warning, I puked right into my lap. Twice. I then passed out and apparently puked again.

Thankfully, my buddies were nice enough to walk me back to my room even though I was covered in puke. In the hallway, I saw the pizza guy who was bringing my order from like 4 hours before. I said “PIZZA GUY!” and grabbed on to his arm. He screamed “WAS IST LOS?!!!” (basically, “WTF?!”). Geez just imagine if some drunk bastard covered in puke ran up and grabbed you. :eek:

I think I have a picture of myself taken while spelunking that shows a certain device used in the combustion of illicit substances in my hands. That was a GREAT goddamn caving trip!

At one time, I may or may not have gotten totally smashed and mooned a room full of my friends, who may or may not have taken a picture of my bare ass, of which a copy may or may not still exist after said friends were instructed to burn all copies under penalty of disembowelment.

Ummm… I took several pictures of myself naked. Does that count, or does beer have to be involved?

There is a certain photo of another bloke giving me a big ol’ open mouthed kiss outside a pub in Sydney. (Needless to say, we had consumed a goodly amount of beer earlier in the evening.) The girls who took the photo swore it would remain in the east, but mysteriously, a scanned version was later emailed to us and our friends.


Not of me, but I have a picture of a friend of mine demonstrating the heimlich (sp?) manuver on another guy. I just happened to take the picture with him in the background doing that. It was a very bad angle.

Full frontal, taken my by girlfriend.

Y’all don’t want to see, trust me.

  1. Odd photograph of me, vacuuming in lingerie.
    (Yes, the vacuum is the odd part. Why do you ask?)

  2. Suggestive photos a friend took of me in ex-bf’s dress suit. No full nudity, but close enough that I’d like the photos back.

  3. Hi, tdc. I remember something about you and photographs once? Or was that all just a ploy? ;D

Picture of me at the age of 13 wearing a fancy white confirmation dress. (It was the same size as the girl it was intended for, and they needed to make some alterations, so I had to stand in lieu.)

Video of me in high school cross-dressing as my high school French teacher. (For a video project to class.) I don’t understand how you girls can wear those pantyhose. Those things make me sweat. Also learned how to “blot” when putting on lipstick. And high heels? Forget it.

And then there are pictures of an adult nature, but I’m pretty sure I gots all the negs.

Well, there are two series of me doing porn on a member’s only site…

Apart from that, all my partners have nude/semi-nude photos of me.

Ooh boy, where to begin? I’m hoping to get a security clearance one of these days, and so pretty much anything embarassing on photo/video is something I’d rather not exist. Good grief, though, I sure do have a penchant for getting into “situations”.

One thing that comes to mind is a photo of me with four very attractive girls, obviously drunk and holding a tequila shooter glass. Well ::shrugs:: it looks a bit disreputable, and if my parents see it they’ll know I’m not exactly a stranger to booze (I’m 19), but I can live with it. My friends call this my “pimp photo”. :slight_smile:

On the other hand, there is - the video. The video was taken at the beginning of this school year. It involves me, and makes it very clear I have consumed a not inconsiderable quantity of alchohol. In this video, I make certain assertions regarding my beliefs on drugs and alchohol. Specifically, I assert that if I’m ever elected to the Presidency, I’ll get rid of all such laws. Trust me, it looks pretty bad.

I’ll have to say a picture taken of me in my crib, fingerpainting with the contents of my diaper. Nothing to do with my user name.

Closest anyone ever got to incriminating photographs was the one of me in bed with three lovely brunettes when I was in college. All clothed, but obviously having a great time.

I managed to keep any copies of that from getting to my girlfriend. :slight_smile: I’m sure I still have a copy somewhere … Ah, to relive my misspent youth. So I can misspend it even more.

Well, there is that shot of me sharing a stogie with Castro while we basted baby seals that were being spit-roasted alive to the lilting serenade of “Doktor Krankenkopf’s All-nude all-14-year-old-Girls Band”. I believe that we were munching on veal eyes served on the backs of live political dissidents who had been partially embedded in concrete for the occasion.

But I’m sure that it wouldn’t harm future career prospects, since I only intend to run for elective office.

My partner and I were experimenting with a digital camera and got a few close-ups of some rather intimate moments. I’m not embarassed about the picture (it was quite flattering, and my face was not in it) but what happened after …

He e-mailed me the photos, as well as a few other harmless, g-rated pics. He was standing beside me, and I was in a bit of a rush, so I asked him if it was okay to forward the pics he’d sent me to my mother, as I couldn’t be bothered opening them on my slow computer. He said “Yes” without thinking. Something strange happened on the computer and the e-mail message was gone. Then I opened the original message to see NOT ONLY the G-rated ones, if you know what I mean.

So I had to call my mother and say “Please, please, please, if you get an e-mail from me, DELETE IT. DO NOT OPEN IT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.” “But why, honey?” “I can’t tell you. But please take my word for it. DO NOT OPEN IT. You will regret it.”

As it turns out, it didn’t get sent. The hamsters ate it. (Bless you, hamsters. I never thought you would be on my side.) But I shiver at the thought of it …

Well, there’s a photo of me with a look of mock-bliss on my face as a co-worker’s very out-of-the-closet boyfriend is sucking on my ear.

But then, I have it framed and sitting on my desk at work (next to me in my minister robes playing blackjack in a bar) so I don’t know just how incriminating it is.

What a coincidence. I JUST mentioned this in the “Sexual souvenirs” thread.

A girl who was cheating on her fiancee with me (The worst thing I’ve done. Ever) snapped a polaroid of me in the buff after one of our trysts. I thought she was bluffing. She’s married to him now and I hope for her sake she’s destroyed the damn thing.