What is with you? Shut my threads down again.

Kind o makes you miss the subtle, quixotic, gems of wisdom of The Grapist, doesn’t he?

I think people have been very patient with him, and I see no such witch hunt.

But will we understand his answer?

Good. I hope not. Otherwise, you guys are the World’s Worst Liberals.

I like the Kapowzler. But I didn’t understand what he was axin’ us ladies about.

'Powz: It’s okay to just come straight out and ask a question, yo.

Am I missing something? I don’t see him being pitted, I haven’t seen him warned, and I haven’t seen any hate at all towards him- just good-natured jokes regarding his rather odd style. What?

Simmer down. I’m just being all pre-emptive and such. I don’t do the Pit, I don’t know who does or doesn’t have moderator warnings or all of that stuff.

Oh, sorry- I thought you were saying that you thought there *was *a witch hunt towards him. But now that I re-read, I see that you didn’t say that at all.

…and shit.

He turned me into a newt!

I got off to a bumpy start here myself. Got in to a pissing match with Campion of all people (she almost never argues with anybody), and she handed me my ass on a platter. Did the rating pit threads on a ten point scale thing–didn’t end well. Learned stuff from those mistakes and others. Now, I may not be widely-loved around here, but I’m not widely dismissed as a nutjob, either. S-K just needs to dial it back a little bit.

Ask your gf (between handjobs at the cinema).

…and shit.

To answer the OP: Yes, I’ve seen this on dryers in ladies’ rooms.

I know. I’m just messing with ya.

I’m pretty fired up for the draft today. This could be fun.

Yeah. Simmer down. :smiley:

It’s what crashed into WTC towers and not planes.

Aw, why would you wanna do a thing like that.

Wow. I’m learning a lot from this thread.

Maybe we should have a public subscription to get K’s personal title set to “and shit.”